Interface: CSSProperties
PropertiesFallback<string, string>
PropertiesHyphenFallback<string, string>
↳ CSSProperties
• Optional
--tw-bg-opacity: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-bg-opacity
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:3
• Optional
--tw-border-opacity: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-border-opacity
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:5
• Optional
--tw-divide-opacity: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-divide-opacity
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:6
• Optional
--tw-divide-x-reverse: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-divide-x-reverse
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:20
• Optional
--tw-divide-y-reverse: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-divide-y-reverse
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:19
• Optional
--tw-gradient-from: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-gradient-from
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:16
• Optional
--tw-gradient-stops: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-gradient-stops
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:18
• Optional
--tw-gradient-to: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-gradient-to
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:17
• Optional
--tw-numeric-figure: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-numeric-figure
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:32
• Optional
--tw-numeric-fraction: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-numeric-fraction
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:34
• Optional
--tw-numeric-spacing: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-numeric-spacing
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:33
• Optional
--tw-ordinal: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-ordinal
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:30
• Optional
--tw-placeholder-opacity: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-placeholder-opacity
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:7
• Optional
--tw-ring-color: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-ring-color
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:10
• Optional
--tw-ring-inset: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-ring-inset
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:9
• Optional
--tw-ring-offset-color: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-ring-offset-color
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:13
• Optional
--tw-ring-offset-shadow: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-ring-offset-shadow
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:14
• Optional
--tw-ring-offset-width: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-ring-offset-width
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:15
• Optional
--tw-ring-opacity: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-ring-opacity
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:11
• Optional
--tw-ring-shadow: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-ring-shadow
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:12
• Optional
--tw-rotate: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-rotate
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:25
• Optional
--tw-scale-x: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-scale-x
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:28
• Optional
--tw-scale-y: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-scale-y
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:29
• Optional
--tw-shadow: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-shadow
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:8
• Optional
--tw-skew-x: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-skew-x
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:26
• Optional
--tw-skew-y: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-skew-y
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:27
• Optional
--tw-slashed-zero: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-slashed-zero
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:31
• Optional
--tw-space-x-reverse: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-space-x-reverse
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:22
• Optional
--tw-space-y-reverse: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-space-y-reverse
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:21
• Optional
--tw-text-opacity: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-text-opacity
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:4
• Optional
--tw-translate-x: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-translate-x
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:23
• Optional
--tw-translate-y: string
Inherited from: CSSCustomProperties.--tw-translate-y
Defined in: src/types/css.ts:24
• Optional
-khtml-box-align: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline)[]
The box-align
CSS property specifies how an element aligns its contents across its layout in a perpendicular direction. The effect of the property is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | baseline | stretch
Initial value: stretch
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-box-align
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16641
• Optional
-khtml-box-direction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse)[]
The box-direction
CSS property specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge).
Syntax: normal | reverse | inherit
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-box-direction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16651
• Optional
-khtml-box-flex: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The -moz-box-flex
and -webkit-box-flex
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout.
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-box-flex
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16661
• Optional
-khtml-box-flex-group: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The box-flex-group
CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to a flex group.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-box-flex-group
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16671
• Optional
-khtml-box-lines: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | multiple | single | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | multiple | single)[]
The box-lines
CSS property determines whether the box may have a single or multiple lines (rows for horizontally oriented boxes, columns for vertically oriented boxes).
Syntax: single | multiple
Initial value: single
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-box-lines
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16681
• Optional
-khtml-box-ordinal-group: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The box-ordinal-group
CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to an ordinal group.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-box-ordinal-group
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16691
• Optional
-khtml-box-orient: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis)[]
This is a property of the original CSS Flexible Box Layout Module draft, and has been replaced by a newer standard. See flexbox for information about the current standard.
Syntax: horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit
Initial value: inline-axis
in XUL)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-box-orient
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16701
• Optional
-khtml-box-pack: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify)[]
The -moz-box-pack
and -webkit-box-pack
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | justify
Initial value: start
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-box-pack
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16711
• Optional
-khtml-line-break: strict | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | anywhere | loose | (undefined | strict | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | anywhere | loose)[]
The line-break
CSS property sets how to break lines of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) text when working with punctuation and symbols.
Syntax: auto | loose | normal | strict | anywhere
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-line-break
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16721
• Optional
-khtml-opacity: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {})[]
The opacity
CSS property sets the opacity of an element. Opacity is the degree to which content behind an element is hidden, and is the opposite of transparency.
Syntax: <alpha-value>
Initial value: 1.0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-opacity
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16731
• Optional
-khtml-user-select: contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element | (undefined | contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element)[]
The **user-select**
CSS property controls whether the user can select text. This doesn't have any effect on content loaded as chrome, except in textboxes.
Syntax: auto | text | none | contain | all
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-khtml-user-select
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16741
• Optional
-moz-animation: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The animation
shorthand CSS property applies an animation between styles. It is a shorthand for animation-name
, animation-duration
, animation-timing-function
, animation-delay
, animation-iteration-count
, animation-direction
, animation-fill-mode
, and animation-play-state
Syntax: <single-animation>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-animation
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16202
• Optional
-moz-animation-delay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-delay
CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-animation-delay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14407
• Optional
-moz-animation-direction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse)[]
The animation-direction
CSS property sets whether an animation should play forward, backward, or alternate back and forth between playing the sequence forward and backward.
Syntax: <single-animation-direction>#
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-animation-direction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14415
• Optional
-moz-animation-duration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-duration
CSS property sets the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-animation-duration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14423
• Optional
-moz-animation-fill-mode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none)[]
The animation-fill-mode
CSS property sets how a CSS animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.
Syntax: <single-animation-fill-mode>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-animation-fill-mode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14431
• Optional
-moz-animation-iteration-count: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {})[]
The animation-iteration-count
CSS property sets the number of times an animation sequence should be played before stopping.
Syntax: <single-animation-iteration-count>#
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-animation-iteration-count
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14439
• Optional
-moz-animation-name: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The animation-name
CSS property specifies the names of one or more @keyframes
at-rules describing the animation or animations to apply to the element.
Syntax: [ none | <keyframes-name> ]#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-animation-name
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14447
• Optional
-moz-animation-play-state: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running)[]
The animation-play-state
CSS property sets whether an animation is running or paused.
Syntax: <single-animation-play-state>#
Initial value: running
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-animation-play-state
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14455
• Optional
-moz-animation-timing-function: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The animation-timing-function
CSS property sets how an animation progresses through the duration of each cycle.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-animation-timing-function
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14463
• Optional
-moz-appearance: sheet | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | button | checkbox | listbox | menulist | radio | searchfield | menulist-button | textfield | -moz-mac-unified-toolbar | -moz-win-borderless-glass | -moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox | -moz-win-communications-toolbox | -moz-win-communicationstext | -moz-win-exclude-glass | -moz-win-glass | -moz-win-media-toolbox | -moz-win-mediatext | -moz-window-button-box | -moz-window-button-box-maximized | -moz-window-button-close | -moz-window-button-maximize | -moz-window-button-minimize | -moz-window-button-restore | -moz-window-frame-bottom | -moz-window-frame-left | -moz-window-frame-right | -moz-window-titlebar | -moz-window-titlebar-maximized | button-arrow-down | button-arrow-next | button-arrow-previous | button-arrow-up | button-bevel | button-focus | caret | checkbox-container | checkbox-label | checkmenuitem | dualbutton | groupbox | listitem | menuarrow | menubar | menucheckbox | menuimage | menuitem | menuitemtext | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | menupopup | menuradio | menuseparator | meterbar | meterchunk | progressbar | progressbar-vertical | progresschunk | progresschunk-vertical | radio-container | radio-label | radiomenuitem | range | range-thumb | resizer | resizerpanel | scale-horizontal | scale-vertical | scalethumb-horizontal | scalethumb-vertical | scalethumbend | scalethumbstart | scalethumbtick | scrollbarbutton-down | scrollbarbutton-left | scrollbarbutton-right | scrollbarbutton-up | scrollbarthumb-horizontal | scrollbarthumb-vertical | scrollbartrack-horizontal | scrollbartrack-vertical | separator | spinner | spinner-downbutton | spinner-textfield | spinner-upbutton | splitter | statusbar | statusbarpanel | tab | tab-scroll-arrow-back | tab-scroll-arrow-forward | tabpanel | tabpanels | textfield-multiline | toolbar | toolbarbutton | toolbarbutton-dropdown | toolbargripper | toolbox | tooltip | treeheader | treeheadercell | treeheadersortarrow | treeitem | treeline | treetwisty | treetwistyopen | treeview | (undefined | sheet | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | button | checkbox | listbox | menulist | radio | searchfield | menulist-button | textfield | -moz-mac-unified-toolbar | -moz-win-borderless-glass | -moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox | -moz-win-communications-toolbox | -moz-win-communicationstext | -moz-win-exclude-glass | -moz-win-glass | -moz-win-media-toolbox | -moz-win-mediatext | -moz-window-button-box | -moz-window-button-box-maximized | -moz-window-button-close | -moz-window-button-maximize | -moz-window-button-minimize | -moz-window-button-restore | -moz-window-frame-bottom | -moz-window-frame-left | -moz-window-frame-right | -moz-window-titlebar | -moz-window-titlebar-maximized | button-arrow-down | button-arrow-next | button-arrow-previous | button-arrow-up | button-bevel | button-focus | caret | checkbox-container | checkbox-label | checkmenuitem | dualbutton | groupbox | listitem | menuarrow | menubar | menucheckbox | menuimage | menuitem | menuitemtext | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | menupopup | menuradio | menuseparator | meterbar | meterchunk | progressbar | progressbar-vertical | progresschunk | progresschunk-vertical | radio-container | radio-label | radiomenuitem | range | range-thumb | resizer | resizerpanel | scale-horizontal | scale-vertical | scalethumb-horizontal | scalethumb-vertical | scalethumbend | scalethumbstart | scalethumbtick | scrollbarbutton-down | scrollbarbutton-left | scrollbarbutton-right | scrollbarbutton-up | scrollbarthumb-horizontal | scrollbarthumb-vertical | scrollbartrack-horizontal | scrollbartrack-vertical | separator | spinner | spinner-downbutton | spinner-textfield | spinner-upbutton | splitter | statusbar | statusbarpanel | tab | tab-scroll-arrow-back | tab-scroll-arrow-forward | tabpanel | tabpanels | textfield-multiline | toolbar | toolbarbutton | toolbarbutton-dropdown | toolbargripper | toolbox | tooltip | treeheader | treeheadercell | treeheadersortarrow | treeitem | treeline | treetwisty | treetwistyopen | treeview)[]
The **appearance**
CSS property is used to display an element using platform-native styling, based on the operating system's theme. The -moz-appearance
and -webkit-appearance
properties are non-standard versions of this property, used (respectively) by Gecko (Firefox) and by WebKit-based (e.g., Safari) and Blink-based (e.g., Chrome, Opera) browsers to achieve the same thing. Note that Firefox and Edge also support -webkit-appearance
, for compatibility reasons.
Syntax: none | button | button-arrow-down | button-arrow-next | button-arrow-previous | button-arrow-up | button-bevel | button-focus | caret | checkbox | checkbox-container | checkbox-label | checkmenuitem | dualbutton | groupbox | listbox | listitem | menuarrow | menubar | menucheckbox | menuimage | menuitem | menuitemtext | menulist | menulist-button | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | menupopup | menuradio | menuseparator | meterbar | meterchunk | progressbar | progressbar-vertical | progresschunk | progresschunk-vertical | radio | radio-container | radio-label | radiomenuitem | range | range-thumb | resizer | resizerpanel | scale-horizontal | scalethumbend | scalethumb-horizontal | scalethumbstart | scalethumbtick | scalethumb-vertical | scale-vertical | scrollbarbutton-down | scrollbarbutton-left | scrollbarbutton-right | scrollbarbutton-up | scrollbarthumb-horizontal | scrollbarthumb-vertical | scrollbartrack-horizontal | scrollbartrack-vertical | searchfield | separator | sheet | spinner | spinner-downbutton | spinner-textfield | spinner-upbutton | splitter | statusbar | statusbarpanel | tab | tabpanel | tabpanels | tab-scroll-arrow-back | tab-scroll-arrow-forward | textfield | textfield-multiline | toolbar | toolbarbutton | toolbarbutton-dropdown | toolbargripper | toolbox | tooltip | treeheader | treeheadercell | treeheadersortarrow | treeitem | treeline | treetwisty | treetwistyopen | treeview | -moz-mac-unified-toolbar | -moz-win-borderless-glass | -moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox | -moz-win-communicationstext | -moz-win-communications-toolbox | -moz-win-exclude-glass | -moz-win-glass | -moz-win-mediatext | -moz-win-media-toolbox | -moz-window-button-box | -moz-window-button-box-maximized | -moz-window-button-close | -moz-window-button-maximize | -moz-window-button-minimize | -moz-window-button-restore | -moz-window-frame-bottom | -moz-window-frame-left | -moz-window-frame-right | -moz-window-titlebar | -moz-window-titlebar-maximized
Initial value: none
(but this value is overridden in the user agent CSS)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-appearance
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14471
• Optional
-moz-backface-visibility: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible)[]
The backface-visibility
CSS property sets whether the back face of an element is visible when turned towards the user.
Syntax: visible | hidden
Initial value: visible
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-backface-visibility
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14479
• Optional
-moz-background-clip: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-clip
CSS property sets whether an element's background extends underneath its border box, padding box, or content box.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: border-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-background-clip
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16751
• Optional
-moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | clone | slice | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | clone | slice)[]
The box-decoration-break
CSS property specifies how an element's fragments should be rendered when broken across multiple lines, columns, or pages.
Syntax: slice | clone
Initial value: slice
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-background-inline-policy
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16761
• Optional
-moz-background-origin: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-origin
CSS property sets the background's origin: from the border start, inside the border, or inside the padding.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: padding-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-background-origin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16771
• Optional
-moz-background-size: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background-size
CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.
Syntax: <bg-size>#
Initial value: auto auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-background-size
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16781
• Optional
-moz-binding: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The -moz-binding
CSS property is used by Mozilla-based applications to attach an XBL binding to a DOM element.
Syntax: <url> | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-binding
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16791
• Optional
-moz-border-bottom-colors: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-border-bottom-colors
CSS property sets a list of colors for the bottom border.
Syntax: <color>+ | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-bottom-colors
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14487
• Optional
-moz-border-end-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The border-inline-end-color
CSS property defines the color of the logical inline-end border of an element, which maps to a physical border color depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-color
, border-right-color
, border-bottom-color
, or border-left-color
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'border-top-color'>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-end-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14495
• Optional
-moz-border-end-style: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
The border-inline-end-style
CSS property defines the style of the logical inline end border of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style
, border-right-style
, border-bottom-style
, or border-left-style
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'border-top-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-end-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14503
• Optional
-moz-border-end-width: string | (undefined | string)[]
The border-inline-end-width
CSS property defines the width of the logical inline-end border of an element, which maps to a physical border width depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-width
, border-right-width
, border-bottom-width
, or border-left-width
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'border-top-width'>
Initial value: medium
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-end-width
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14511
• Optional
-moz-border-image: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round)[]
The border-image
CSS property draws an image around a given element. It replaces the element's regular border.
Syntax: <'border-image-source'> || <'border-image-slice'> [ / <'border-image-width'> | / <'border-image-width'>? / <'border-image-outset'> ]? || <'border-image-repeat'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-image
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16208
• Optional
-moz-border-left-colors: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-border-left-colors
CSS property sets a list of colors for the left border.
Syntax: <color>+ | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-left-colors
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14519
• Optional
-moz-border-radius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-radius
CSS property rounds the corners of an element's outer border edge. You can set a single radius to make circular corners, or two radii to make elliptical corners.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,4} [ / <length-percentage>{1,4} ]?
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-radius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16801
• Optional
-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-bottom-left-radius
CSS property rounds the bottom-left corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-radius-bottomleft
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16809
• Optional
-moz-border-radius-bottomright: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-bottom-right-radius
CSS property rounds the bottom-right corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-radius-bottomright
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16819
• Optional
-moz-border-radius-topleft: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-top-left-radius
CSS property rounds the top-left corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-radius-topleft
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16829
• Optional
-moz-border-radius-topright: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-top-right-radius
CSS property rounds the top-right corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-radius-topright
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16839
• Optional
-moz-border-right-colors: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-border-right-colors
CSS property sets a list of colors for the right border.
Syntax: <color>+ | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-right-colors
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14527
• Optional
-moz-border-start-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The border-inline-start-color
CSS property defines the color of the logical inline start border of an element, which maps to a physical border color depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-color
, border-right-color
, border-bottom-color
, or border-left-color
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'border-top-color'>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-start-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14535
• Optional
-moz-border-start-style: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
The border-inline-start-style
CSS property defines the style of the logical inline start border of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style
, border-right-style
, border-bottom-style
, or border-left-style
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'border-top-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-start-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14543
• Optional
-moz-border-top-colors: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-border-top-colors
CSS property sets a list of colors for the top border.
Syntax: <color>+ | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-border-top-colors
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14551
• Optional
-moz-box-align: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline)[]
The box-align
CSS property specifies how an element aligns its contents across its layout in a perpendicular direction. The effect of the property is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | baseline | stretch
Initial value: stretch
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-box-align
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16849
• Optional
-moz-box-direction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse)[]
The box-direction
CSS property specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge).
Syntax: normal | reverse | inherit
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-box-direction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16859
• Optional
-moz-box-flex: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The -moz-box-flex
and -webkit-box-flex
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout.
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-box-flex
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16869
• Optional
-moz-box-ordinal-group: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The box-ordinal-group
CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to an ordinal group.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-box-ordinal-group
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16879
• Optional
-moz-box-orient: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis)[]
This is a property of the original CSS Flexible Box Layout Module draft, and has been replaced by a newer standard. See flexbox for information about the current standard.
Syntax: horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit
Initial value: inline-axis
in XUL)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-box-orient
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16889
• Optional
-moz-box-pack: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify)[]
The -moz-box-pack
and -webkit-box-pack
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | justify
Initial value: start
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-box-pack
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16899
• Optional
-moz-box-shadow: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The box-shadow
CSS property adds shadow effects around an element's frame. You can set multiple effects separated by commas. A box shadow is described by X and Y offsets relative to the element, blur and spread radius, and color.
Syntax: none | <shadow>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-box-shadow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16909
• Optional
-moz-box-sizing: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box)[]
The box-sizing
CSS property sets how the total width and height of an element is calculated.
Syntax: content-box | border-box
Initial value: content-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-box-sizing
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14559
• Optional
-moz-column-count: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | number & {})[]
The column-count
CSS property breaks an element's content into the specified number of columns.
Syntax: <integer> | auto
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-column-count
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14567
• Optional
-moz-column-fill: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | balance | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | balance)[]
The column-fill
CSS property controls how an element's contents are balanced when broken into columns.
Syntax: auto | balance | balance-all
Initial value: balance
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-column-fill
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14575
• Optional
-moz-column-gap: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-gap
CSS property sets the size of the gap (gutter) between an element's columns.
Syntax: normal | <length-percentage>
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-column-gap
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14583
• Optional
-moz-column-rule: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-rule
shorthand CSS property sets the width, style, and color of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'column-rule-width'> || <'column-rule-style'> || <'column-rule-color'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-column-rule
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16214
• Optional
-moz-column-rule-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The column-rule-color
CSS property sets the color of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-column-rule-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14591
• Optional
-moz-column-rule-style: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
The column-rule-style
CSS property sets the style of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'border-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-column-rule-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14599
• Optional
-moz-column-rule-width: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-rule-width
CSS property sets the width of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'border-width'>
Initial value: medium
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-column-rule-width
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14607
• Optional
-moz-column-width: string | (undefined | string)[]
The column-width
CSS property sets the ideal column width in a multi-column layout. The container will have as many columns as can fit without any of them having a width less than the column-width
value. If the width of the container is narrower than the specified value, the single column's width will be smaller than the declared column width.
Syntax: <length> | auto
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-column-width
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14615
• Optional
-moz-columns: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The columns
CSS shorthand property sets the number of columns to use when drawing an element's contents, as well as those columns' widths.
Syntax: <'column-width'> || <'column-count'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-columns
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16220
• Optional
-moz-context-properties: fill | stroke | fill-opacity | stroke-opacity | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | fill | stroke | fill-opacity | stroke-opacity | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The **-moz-context-properties**
property can be used within privileged contexts in Firefox to share the values of specified properties of the element with a child SVG image.
Syntax: none | [ fill | fill-opacity | stroke | stroke-opacity ]#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-context-properties
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14623
• Optional
-moz-float-edge: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box | padding-box | margin-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box | padding-box | margin-box)[]
The non-standard -moz-float-edge
CSS property specifies whether the height and width properties of the element include the margin, border, or padding thickness.
Syntax: border-box | content-box | margin-box | padding-box
Initial value: content-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-float-edge
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16919
• Optional
-moz-font-feature-settings: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {})[]
The font-feature-settings
CSS property controls advanced typographic features in OpenType fonts.
Syntax: normal | <feature-tag-value>#
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-font-feature-settings
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14631
• Optional
-moz-font-language-override: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {})[]
The font-language-override
CSS property controls the use of language-specific glyphs in a typeface.
Syntax: normal | <string>
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-font-language-override
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14639
• Optional
-moz-force-broken-image-icon: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The -moz-force-broken-image-icon
extended CSS property can be used to force the broken image icon to be shown even when a broken image has an alt
Syntax: <integer [0,1]>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-force-broken-image-icon
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16929
• Optional
-moz-hyphens: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | manual | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | manual)[]
The hyphens
CSS property specifies how words should be hyphenated when text wraps across multiple lines. It can prevent hyphenation entirely, hyphenate at manually-specified points within the text, or let the browser automatically insert hyphens where appropriate.
Syntax: none | manual | auto
Initial value: manual
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-hyphens
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14647
• Optional
-moz-image-region: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto)[]
For certain XUL elements and pseudo-elements that use an image from the list-style-image
property, this property specifies a region of the image that is used in place of the whole image. This allows elements to use different pieces of the same image to improve performance.
Syntax: <shape> | auto
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-image-region
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14655
• Optional
-moz-margin-end: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The margin-inline-end
CSS property defines the logical inline end margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. In other words, it corresponds to the margin-top
, margin-right
, margin-bottom
or margin-left
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'margin-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-margin-end
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14663
• Optional
-moz-margin-start: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The margin-inline-start
CSS property defines the logical inline start margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the margin-top
, margin-right
, margin-bottom
, or margin-left
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'margin-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-margin-start
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14671
• Optional
-moz-opacity: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {})[]
The opacity
CSS property sets the opacity of an element. Opacity is the degree to which content behind an element is hidden, and is the opposite of transparency.
Syntax: <alpha-value>
Initial value: 1.0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-opacity
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16939
• Optional
-moz-orient: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | block | inline | horizontal | vertical | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | block | inline | horizontal | vertical)[]
The -moz-orient
CSS property specifies the orientation of the element to which it's applied.
Syntax: inline | block | horizontal | vertical
Initial value: inline
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-orient
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14679
• Optional
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: string | (undefined | string)[]
The font-smooth
CSS property controls the application of anti-aliasing when fonts are rendered.
Syntax: auto | never | always | <absolute-size> | <length>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-osx-font-smoothing
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14687
• Optional
-moz-outline: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The outline
CSS shorthand property set all the outline properties in a single declaration.
Syntax: [ <'outline-color'> || <'outline-style'> || <'outline-width'> ]
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-outline
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16949
• Optional
-moz-outline-color: invert | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | invert | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The outline-color
CSS property sets the color of an element's outline.
Syntax: <color> | invert
Initial value: invert
, for browsers supporting it, currentColor
for the other
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-outline-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16957
• Optional
-moz-outline-radius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-outline-radius
CSS shorthand property can be used to give an element's outline
rounded corners.
Syntax: <outline-radius>{1,4} [ / <outline-radius>{1,4} ]?
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-outline-radius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16967
• Optional
-moz-outline-radius-bottomleft: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-bottomleft
CSS property can be used to round the bottom-left corner of an element's outline
Syntax: <outline-radius>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-outline-radius-bottomleft
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16975
• Optional
-moz-outline-radius-bottomright: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-bottomright
CSS property can be used to round the bottom-right corner of an element's outline
Syntax: <outline-radius>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-outline-radius-bottomright
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16985
• Optional
-moz-outline-radius-topleft: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-topleft
CSS property can be used to round the top-left corner of an element's outline
Syntax: <outline-radius>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-outline-radius-topleft
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16995
• Optional
-moz-outline-radius-topright: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-topright
CSS property can be used to round the top-right corner of an element's outline
Syntax: <outline-radius>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-outline-radius-topright
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17005
• Optional
-moz-outline-style: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
The outline-style
CSS property sets the style of an element's outline. An outline is a line that is drawn around an element, outside the border
Syntax: auto | <'border-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-outline-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17015
• Optional
-moz-outline-width: string | (undefined | string)[]
The CSS outline-width
property sets the thickness of an element's outline. An outline is a line that is drawn around an element, outside the border
Syntax: <line-width>
Initial value: medium
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-outline-width
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17025
• Optional
-moz-padding-end: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The padding-inline-end
CSS property defines the logical inline end padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation.
Syntax: <'padding-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-padding-end
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14695
• Optional
-moz-padding-start: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The padding-inline-start
CSS property defines the logical inline start padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation.
Syntax: <'padding-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-padding-start
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14703
• Optional
-moz-perspective: string | (undefined | string)[]
The perspective
CSS property determines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user in order to give a 3D-positioned element some perspective.
Syntax: none | <length>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-perspective
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14711
• Optional
-moz-perspective-origin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The perspective-origin
CSS property determines the position at which the viewer is looking. It is used as the vanishing point by the perspective
Syntax: <position>
Initial value: 50% 50%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-perspective-origin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14719
• Optional
-moz-stack-sizing: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | ignore | stretch-to-fit | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | ignore | stretch-to-fit)[]
is an extended CSS property. Normally, a <xul:stack>
will change its size so that all of its child elements are completely visible. For example, moving a child of the stack far to the right will widen the stack so the child remains visible.
Syntax: ignore | stretch-to-fit
Initial value: stretch-to-fit
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-stack-sizing
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14727
• Optional
-moz-tab-size: string | number & {} | (undefined | string | number & {})[]
The tab-size
CSS property is used to customize the width of tab characters (U+0009).
Syntax: <integer> | <length>
Initial value: 8
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-tab-size
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14735
• Optional
-moz-text-align-last: left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | auto | justify | (undefined | left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | auto | justify)[]
The text-align-last
CSS property sets how the last line of a block or a line, right before a forced line break, is aligned.
Syntax: auto | start | end | left | right | center | justify
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-text-align-last
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17035
• Optional
-moz-text-blink: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | blink | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | blink)[]
The -moz-text-blink
non-standard Mozilla CSS extension specifies the blink mode.
Syntax: none | blink
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-text-blink
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14743
• Optional
-moz-text-decoration-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The text-decoration-color
CSS property sets the color of decorations added to text by text-decoration-line
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-text-decoration-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17045
• Optional
-moz-text-decoration-line: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | blink | grammar-error | line-through | overline | spelling-error | underline | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | blink | grammar-error | line-through | overline | spelling-error | underline)[]
The text-decoration-line
CSS property sets the kind of decoration that is used on text in an element, such as an underline or overline.
Syntax: none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] | spelling-error | grammar-error
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-text-decoration-line
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17055
• Optional
-moz-text-decoration-style: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | dashed | dotted | double | solid | wavy | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | dashed | dotted | double | solid | wavy)[]
The text-decoration-style
CSS property sets the style of the lines specified by text-decoration-line
. The style applies to all lines that are set with text-decoration-line
Syntax: solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy
Initial value: solid
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-text-decoration-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17065
• Optional
-moz-text-size-adjust: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none)[]
The text-size-adjust
CSS property controls the text inflation algorithm used on some smartphones and tablets. Other browsers will ignore this property.
Syntax: none | auto | <percentage>
Initial value: auto
for smartphone browsers supporting inflation, none
in other cases (and then not modifiable).
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-text-size-adjust
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14751
• Optional
-moz-transform-origin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transform-origin
CSS property sets the origin for an element's transformations.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right | top | bottom ] | [ [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] && [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ] ] <length>?
Initial value: 50% 50% 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-transform-origin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14759
• Optional
-moz-transform-style: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | flat | preserve-3d | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | flat | preserve-3d)[]
The transform-style
CSS property sets whether children of an element are positioned in the 3D space or are flattened in the plane of the element.
Syntax: flat | preserve-3d
Initial value: flat
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-transform-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14767
• Optional
-moz-transition: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition
CSS property is a shorthand property for transition-property
, transition-duration
, transition-timing-function
, and transition-delay
Syntax: <single-transition>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-transition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16226
• Optional
-moz-transition-delay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-delay
CSS property specifies the duration to wait before starting a property's transition effect when its value changes.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-transition-delay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14775
• Optional
-moz-transition-duration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-duration
CSS property sets the length of time a transition animation should take to complete. By default, the value is 0s
, meaning that no animation will occur.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-transition-duration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14783
• Optional
-moz-transition-property: all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transition-property
CSS property sets the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
Syntax: none | <single-transition-property>#
Initial value: all
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-transition-property
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14791
• Optional
-moz-transition-timing-function: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The transition-timing-function
CSS property sets how intermediate values are calculated for CSS properties being affected by a transition effect.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-transition-timing-function
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14799
• Optional
-moz-user-focus: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | none | ignore | select-after | select-all | select-before | select-menu | select-same | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | none | ignore | select-after | select-all | select-before | select-menu | select-same)[]
The -moz-user-focus
CSS property is used to indicate whether an element can have the focus.
Syntax: ignore | normal | select-after | select-before | select-menu | select-same | select-all | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-user-focus
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14807
• Optional
-moz-user-input: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | disabled | enabled | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | disabled | enabled)[]
In Mozilla applications, -moz-user-input
determines if an element will accept user input.
Syntax: auto | none | enabled | disabled
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-user-input
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17075
• Optional
-moz-user-modify: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | read-only | read-write | write-only | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | read-only | read-write | write-only)[]
The user-modify
property has no effect in Firefox. It was originally planned to determine whether or not the content of an element can be edited by a user.
Syntax: read-only | read-write | write-only
Initial value: read-only
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-user-modify
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14815
• Optional
-moz-user-select: contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element | (undefined | contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element)[]
The **user-select**
CSS property controls whether the user can select text. This doesn't have any effect on content loaded as chrome, except in textboxes.
Syntax: auto | text | none | contain | all
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-user-select
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14823
• Optional
-moz-window-dragging: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | drag | no-drag | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | drag | no-drag)[]
The -moz-window-dragging
CSS property specifies whether a window is draggable or not. It only works in Chrome code, and only on Mac OS X.
Syntax: drag | no-drag
Initial value: drag
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-window-dragging
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14831
• Optional
-moz-window-shadow: sheet | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | default | menu | tooltip | (undefined | sheet | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | default | menu | tooltip)[]
The -moz-window-shadow
CSS property specifies whether a window will have a shadow. It only works on Mac OS X.
Syntax: default | menu | tooltip | sheet | none
Initial value: default
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-moz-window-shadow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14839
• Optional
-ms-accelerator: true | false | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | (undefined | true | false | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset)[]
The -ms-accelerator
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that sets or retrieves a string indicating whether the object represents a keyboard shortcut.
Syntax: false | true
Initial value: false
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-accelerator
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14847
• Optional
-ms-align-self: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto)[]
The align-self
CSS property overrides a grid or flex item's align-items
value. In Grid, it aligns the item inside the grid area. In Flexbox, it aligns the item on the cross axis.
Syntax: auto | normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | <overflow-position>? <self-position>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-align-self
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14855
• Optional
-ms-block-progression: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | bt | lr | rl | tb | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | bt | lr | rl | tb)[]
The -ms-block-progression
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the block progression and layout orientation.
Syntax: tb | rl | bt | lr
Initial value: tb
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-block-progression
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14863
• Optional
-ms-content-zoom-chaining: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | chained | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | chained)[]
The -ms-content-zoom-chaining
CSS property is a Microsoft extension specifying the zoom behavior that occurs when a user hits the zoom limit during page manipulation.
Syntax: none | chained
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-content-zoom-chaining
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14871
• Optional
-ms-content-zoom-limit: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The -ms-content-zoom-limit
CSS shorthand property is a Microsoft extension that specifies values for the -ms-content-zoom-limit-min
and -ms-content-zoom-limit-max
Syntax: <'-ms-content-zoom-limit-min'> <'-ms-content-zoom-limit-max'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-content-zoom-limit
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16232
• Optional
-ms-content-zoom-limit-max: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The -ms-content-zoom-limit-max
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the selected elements' maximum zoom factor.
Syntax: <percentage>
Initial value: 400%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-content-zoom-limit-max
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14879
• Optional
-ms-content-zoom-limit-min: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The -ms-content-zoom-limit-min
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the minimum zoom factor.
Syntax: <percentage>
Initial value: 100%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-content-zoom-limit-min
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14887
• Optional
-ms-content-zoom-snap: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | mandatory | proximity | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | mandatory | proximity)[]
The -ms-content-zoom-snap
CSS shorthand property is a Microsoft extension that specifies values for the -ms-content-zoom-snap-type
and -ms-content-zoom-snap-points
Syntax: <'-ms-content-zoom-snap-type'> || <'-ms-content-zoom-snap-points'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-content-zoom-snap
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16238
• Optional
-ms-content-zoom-snap-points: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The -ms-content-zoom-snap-points
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies where zoom snap-points are located.
Syntax: snapInterval( <percentage>, <percentage> ) | snapList( <percentage># )
Initial value: snapInterval(0%, 100%)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-content-zoom-snap-points
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14895
• Optional
-ms-content-zoom-snap-type: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | mandatory | proximity | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | mandatory | proximity)[]
The -ms-content-zoom-snap-type
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies how zooming is affected by defined snap-points.
Syntax: none | proximity | mandatory
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-content-zoom-snap-type
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14903
• Optional
-ms-content-zooming: zoom | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | (undefined | zoom | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none)[]
The -ms-content-zooming
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies whether zooming is enabled.
Syntax: none | zoom
Initial value: zoom for the top level element, none for all other elements
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-content-zooming
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14911
• Optional
-ms-filter: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The -ms-filter
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that sets or retrieves the filter or collection of filters applied to an object.
Syntax: <string>
Initial value: "" (the empty string)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-filter
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14919
• Optional
-ms-flex: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The flex
CSS shorthand property sets how a flex item will grow or shrink to fit the space available in its flex container.
Syntax: none | [ <'flex-grow'> <'flex-shrink'>? || <'flex-basis'> ]
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-flex
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16244
• Optional
-ms-flex-direction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | column | column-reverse | row | row-reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | column | column-reverse | row | row-reverse)[]
The flex-direction
CSS property sets how flex items are placed in the flex container defining the main axis and the direction (normal or reversed).
Syntax: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
Initial value: row
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-flex-direction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14927
• Optional
-ms-flex-positive: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The flex-grow
CSS property sets the flex grow factor of a flex item main size.
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-flex-positive
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14935
• Optional
-ms-flow-from: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The -ms-flow-from
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that gets or sets a value identifying a region container in the document that accepts the content flow from the data source.
Syntax: [ none | <custom-ident> ]#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-flow-from
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14943
• Optional
-ms-flow-into: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The -ms-flow-into
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that gets or sets a value identifying an iframe container in the document that serves as the region's data source.
Syntax: [ none | <custom-ident> ]#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-flow-into
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14951
• Optional
-ms-grid-columns: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The grid-template-columns
CSS property defines the line names and track sizing functions of the grid columns.
Syntax: none | <track-list> | <auto-track-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-grid-columns
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14959
• Optional
-ms-grid-rows: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The grid-template-rows
CSS property defines the line names and track sizing functions of the grid rows.
Syntax: none | <track-list> | <auto-track-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-grid-rows
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14967
• Optional
-ms-high-contrast-adjust: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none)[]
The -ms-high-contrast-adjust
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that gets or sets a value indicating whether to override any CSS properties that would have been set in high contrast mode.
Syntax: auto | none
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-high-contrast-adjust
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14975
• Optional
-ms-hyphenate-limit-chars: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | number & {})[]
The -ms-hyphenate-limit-chars
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies one to three values indicating the minimum number of characters in a hyphenated word. If the word does not meet the required minimum number of characters in the word, before the hyphen, or after the hyphen, then the word is not hyphenated.
Syntax: auto | <integer>{1,3}
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-hyphenate-limit-chars
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14983
• Optional
-ms-hyphenate-limit-lines: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | no-limit | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | no-limit)[]
The -ms-hyphenate-limit-lines
CSS property is a Microsoft extension specifying the maximum number of consecutive lines in an element that may be ended with a hyphenated word.
Syntax: no-limit | <integer>
Initial value: no-limit
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-hyphenate-limit-lines
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14991
• Optional
-ms-hyphenate-limit-zone: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The **-ms-hyphenate-limit-zone**
CSS property is a Microsoft extension specifying the width of the hyphenation zone.
Syntax: <percentage> | <length>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-hyphenate-limit-zone
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:14999
• Optional
-ms-hyphens: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | manual | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | manual)[]
The hyphens
CSS property specifies how words should be hyphenated when text wraps across multiple lines. It can prevent hyphenation entirely, hyphenate at manually-specified points within the text, or let the browser automatically insert hyphens where appropriate.
Syntax: none | manual | auto
Initial value: manual
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-hyphens
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15007
• Optional
-ms-ime-align: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | after | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | after)[]
The -ms-ime-align
CSS property is a Microsoft extension aligning the Input Method Editor (IME) candidate window box relative to the element on which the IME composition is active. The extension is implemented in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer 11.
Syntax: auto | after
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-ime-align
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15015
• Optional
-ms-ime-mode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | active | disabled | inactive | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | active | disabled | inactive)[]
The ime-mode
CSS property controls the state of the input method editor (IME) for text fields. This property is obsolete.
Syntax: auto | normal | active | inactive | disabled
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-ime-mode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17085
• Optional
-ms-justify-self: left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto | (undefined | left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto)[]
The CSS justify-self
property sets the way a box is justified inside its alignment container along the appropriate axis.
Syntax: auto | normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | <overflow-position>? [ <self-position> | left | right ]
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-justify-self
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15023
• Optional
-ms-line-break: strict | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | anywhere | loose | (undefined | strict | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | anywhere | loose)[]
The line-break
CSS property sets how to break lines of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) text when working with punctuation and symbols.
Syntax: auto | loose | normal | strict | anywhere
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-line-break
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15031
• Optional
-ms-order: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The order
CSS property sets the order to lay out an item in a flex or grid container. Items in a container are sorted by ascending order
value and then by their source code order.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-order
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15039
• Optional
-ms-overflow-style: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | -ms-autohiding-scrollbar | scrollbar | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | -ms-autohiding-scrollbar | scrollbar)[]
The -ms-overflow-style
CSS property is a Microsoft extension controlling the behavior of scrollbars when the content of an element overflows.
Syntax: auto | none | scrollbar | -ms-autohiding-scrollbar
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-overflow-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15047
• Optional
-ms-overflow-x: clip | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | hidden | visible | scroll | -moz-hidden-unscrollable | (undefined | clip | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | hidden | visible | scroll | -moz-hidden-unscrollable)[]
The overflow-x
CSS property sets what shows when content overflows a block-level element's left and right edges. This may be nothing, a scroll bar, or the overflow content.
Syntax: visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto
Initial value: visible
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-overflow-x
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15055
• Optional
-ms-overflow-y: clip | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | hidden | visible | scroll | -moz-hidden-unscrollable | (undefined | clip | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | hidden | visible | scroll | -moz-hidden-unscrollable)[]
The overflow-y
CSS property sets what shows when content overflows a block-level element's top and bottom edges. This may be nothing, a scroll bar, or the overflow content.
Syntax: visible | hidden | clip | scroll | auto
Initial value: visible
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-overflow-y
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15063
• Optional
-ms-scroll-chaining: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | chained | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | chained)[]
The **-ms-scroll-chaining**
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the scrolling behavior that occurs when a user hits the scroll limit during a manipulation.
Syntax: chained | none
Initial value: chained
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-chaining
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15071
• Optional
-ms-scroll-limit: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The -ms-scroll-limit CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies values for the -ms-scroll-limit-x-min
, -ms-scroll-limit-y-min
, -ms-scroll-limit-x-max
, and -ms-scroll-limit-y-max
Syntax: <'-ms-scroll-limit-x-min'> <'-ms-scroll-limit-y-min'> <'-ms-scroll-limit-x-max'> <'-ms-scroll-limit-y-max'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-limit
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16250
• Optional
-ms-scroll-limit-x-max: string | (undefined | string)[]
The **-ms-scroll-limit-x-max**
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the maximum value for the Element.scrollLeft
Syntax: auto | <length>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-limit-x-max
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15079
• Optional
-ms-scroll-limit-x-min: string | (undefined | string)[]
The -ms-scroll-limit-x-min
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the minimum value for the Element.scrollLeft
Syntax: <length>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-limit-x-min
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15087
• Optional
-ms-scroll-limit-y-max: string | (undefined | string)[]
The -ms-scroll-limit-y-max
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the maximum value for the Element.scrollTop
Syntax: auto | <length>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-limit-y-max
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15095
• Optional
-ms-scroll-limit-y-min: string | (undefined | string)[]
The -ms-scroll-limit-y-min
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the minimum value for the Element.scrollTop
Syntax: <length>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-limit-y-min
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15103
• Optional
-ms-scroll-rails: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | railed | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | railed)[]
The -ms-scroll-rails
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies whether scrolling locks to the primary axis of motion.
Syntax: none | railed
Initial value: railed
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-rails
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15111
• Optional
-ms-scroll-snap-points-x: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The -ms-scroll-snap-points-x
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies where snap-points will be located along the x-axis.
Syntax: snapInterval( <length-percentage>, <length-percentage> ) | snapList( <length-percentage># )
Initial value: snapInterval(0px, 100%)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-snap-points-x
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15119
• Optional
-ms-scroll-snap-points-y: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The -ms-scroll-snap-points-y
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies where snap-points will be located along the y-axis.
Syntax: snapInterval( <length-percentage>, <length-percentage> ) | snapList( <length-percentage># )
Initial value: snapInterval(0px, 100%)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-snap-points-y
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15127
• Optional
-ms-scroll-snap-type: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | mandatory | proximity | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | mandatory | proximity)[]
The scroll-snap-type
CSS property sets how strictly snap points are enforced on the scroll container in case there is one.
Syntax: none | proximity | mandatory
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-snap-type
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15135
• Optional
-ms-scroll-snap-x: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The -ms-scroll-snap-x
CSS shorthand property is a Microsoft extension that specifies values for the -ms-scroll-snap-type
and -ms-scroll-snap-points-x
Syntax: <'-ms-scroll-snap-type'> <'-ms-scroll-snap-points-x'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-snap-x
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16256
• Optional
-ms-scroll-snap-y: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The -ms-scroll-snap-x
CSS shorthand property is a Microsoft extension that specifies values for the -ms-scroll-snap-type
and -ms-scroll-snap-points-y
Syntax: <'-ms-scroll-snap-type'> <'-ms-scroll-snap-points-y'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-snap-y
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16262
• Optional
-ms-scroll-translation: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | vertical-to-horizontal | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | vertical-to-horizontal)[]
The -ms-scroll-translation
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies whether vertical-to-horizontal scroll wheel translation occurs on the specified element.
Syntax: none | vertical-to-horizontal
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scroll-translation
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15143
• Optional
-ms-scrollbar-3dlight-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The -ms-scrollbar-3dlight-color
CSS property is a Microsoft extension specifying the color of the top and left edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: depends on user agent
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scrollbar-3dlight-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15151
• Optional
-ms-scrollbar-arrow-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The -ms-scrollbar-arrow-color
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the color of the arrow elements of a scroll arrow.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: ButtonText
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scrollbar-arrow-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15159
• Optional
-ms-scrollbar-base-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The **-ms-scrollbar-base-color**
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the base color of the main elements of a scroll bar.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: depends on user agent
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scrollbar-base-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15167
• Optional
-ms-scrollbar-darkshadow-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The -ms-scrollbar-darkshadow-color
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the color of a scroll bar's gutter.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: ThreeDDarkShadow
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scrollbar-darkshadow-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15175
• Optional
-ms-scrollbar-face-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The **-ms-scrollbar-face-color**
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the color of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: ThreeDFace
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scrollbar-face-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15183
• Optional
-ms-scrollbar-highlight-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The **-ms-scrollbar-highlight-color**
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the color of the slider tray, the top and left edges of the scroll box, and the scroll arrows of a scroll bar.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: ThreeDHighlight
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scrollbar-highlight-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15191
• Optional
-ms-scrollbar-shadow-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The -ms-scrollbar-shadow-color
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the color of the bottom and right edges of the scroll box and scroll arrows of a scroll bar.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: ThreeDDarkShadow
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scrollbar-shadow-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15199
• Optional
-ms-scrollbar-track-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The -ms-scrollbar-track-color
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the color of the track element of a scrollbar.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: Scrollbar
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-scrollbar-track-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17095
• Optional
-ms-text-autospace: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | ideograph-alpha | ideograph-numeric | ideograph-parenthesis | ideograph-space | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | ideograph-alpha | ideograph-numeric | ideograph-parenthesis | ideograph-space)[]
The -ms-text-autospace
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies the autospacing and narrow space width adjustment of text.
Syntax: none | ideograph-alpha | ideograph-numeric | ideograph-parenthesis | ideograph-space
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-text-autospace
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15207
• Optional
-ms-text-combine-horizontal: all | -ms-text-combine-horizontal | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | digits | (undefined | all | -ms-text-combine-horizontal | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | digits)[]
The text-combine-upright
CSS property sets the combination of characters into the space of a single character. If the combined text is wider than 1em, the user agent must fit the contents within 1em. The resulting composition is treated as a single upright glyph for layout and decoration. This property only has an effect in vertical writing modes.
Syntax: none | all | [ digits <integer>? ]
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-text-combine-horizontal
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15215
• Optional
-ms-text-overflow: clip | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ellipsis | (undefined | clip | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ellipsis)[]
The text-overflow
CSS property sets how hidden overflow content is signaled to users. It can be clipped, display an ellipsis ('…
'), or display a custom string.
Syntax: [ clip | ellipsis | <string> ]{1,2}
Initial value: clip
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-text-overflow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15223
• Optional
-ms-touch-action: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none | -ms-manipulation | -ms-none | -ms-pinch-zoom | manipulation | pan-down | pan-left | pan-right | pan-up | pan-x | pan-y | pinch-zoom | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none | -ms-manipulation | -ms-none | -ms-pinch-zoom | manipulation | pan-down | pan-left | pan-right | pan-up | pan-x | pan-y | pinch-zoom)[]
The touch-action
CSS property sets how an element's region can be manipulated by a touchscreen user (for example, by zooming features built into the browser).
Syntax: auto | none | [ [ pan-x | pan-left | pan-right ] || [ pan-y | pan-up | pan-down ] || pinch-zoom ] | manipulation
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-touch-action
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15231
• Optional
-ms-touch-select: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | grippers | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | grippers)[]
The -ms-touch-select
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that toggles the gripper visual elements that enable touch text selection.
Syntax: grippers | none
Initial value: grippers
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-touch-select
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15239
• Optional
-ms-transform: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transform
CSS property lets you rotate, scale, skew, or translate an element. It modifies the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model.
Syntax: none | <transform-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-transform
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15247
• Optional
-ms-transform-origin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transform-origin
CSS property sets the origin for an element's transformations.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right | top | bottom ] | [ [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] && [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ] ] <length>?
Initial value: 50% 50% 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-transform-origin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15255
• Optional
-ms-transition: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition
CSS property is a shorthand property for transition-property
, transition-duration
, transition-timing-function
, and transition-delay
Syntax: <single-transition>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-transition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16268
• Optional
-ms-transition-delay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-delay
CSS property specifies the duration to wait before starting a property's transition effect when its value changes.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-transition-delay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15263
• Optional
-ms-transition-duration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-duration
CSS property sets the length of time a transition animation should take to complete. By default, the value is 0s
, meaning that no animation will occur.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-transition-duration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15271
• Optional
-ms-transition-property: all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transition-property
CSS property sets the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
Syntax: none | <single-transition-property>#
Initial value: all
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-transition-property
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15279
• Optional
-ms-transition-timing-function: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The transition-timing-function
CSS property sets how intermediate values are calculated for CSS properties being affected by a transition effect.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-transition-timing-function
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15287
• Optional
-ms-user-select: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | text | element | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | text | element)[]
The **user-select**
CSS property controls whether the user can select text. This doesn't have any effect on content loaded as chrome, except in textboxes.
Syntax: none | element | text
Initial value: text
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-user-select
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15295
• Optional
-ms-word-break: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | break-word | break-all | keep-all | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | break-word | break-all | keep-all)[]
The word-break
CSS property sets whether line breaks appear wherever the text would otherwise overflow its content box.
Syntax: normal | break-all | keep-all | break-word
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-word-break
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15303
• Optional
-ms-wrap-flow: clear | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | end | start | auto | both | maximum | (undefined | clear | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | end | start | auto | both | maximum)[]
The -ms-wrap-flow
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies how exclusions impact inline content within block-level elements.
Syntax: auto | both | start | end | maximum | clear
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-wrap-flow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15311
• Optional
-ms-wrap-margin: string | (undefined | string)[]
The -ms-wrap-margin
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies a margin that offsets the inner wrap shape from other shapes.
Syntax: <length>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-wrap-margin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15319
• Optional
-ms-wrap-through: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | wrap | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | wrap)[]
The -ms-wrap-through
CSS property is a Microsoft extension that specifies how content should wrap around an exclusion element.
Syntax: wrap | none
Initial value: wrap
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-wrap-through
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15327
• Optional
-ms-writing-mode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal-tb | sideways-lr | sideways-rl | vertical-lr | vertical-rl | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal-tb | sideways-lr | sideways-rl | vertical-lr | vertical-rl)[]
The writing-mode
CSS property sets whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically, as well as the direction in which blocks progress. When set for an entire document, it should be set on the root element (html
element for HTML documents).
Syntax: horizontal-tb | vertical-rl | vertical-lr | sideways-rl | sideways-lr
Initial value: horizontal-tb
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-ms-writing-mode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15335
• Optional
-o-animation: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The animation
shorthand CSS property applies an animation between styles. It is a shorthand for animation-name
, animation-duration
, animation-timing-function
, animation-delay
, animation-iteration-count
, animation-direction
, animation-fill-mode
, and animation-play-state
Syntax: <single-animation>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-animation
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17105
• Optional
-o-animation-delay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-delay
CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-animation-delay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17113
• Optional
-o-animation-direction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse)[]
The animation-direction
CSS property sets whether an animation should play forward, backward, or alternate back and forth between playing the sequence forward and backward.
Syntax: <single-animation-direction>#
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-animation-direction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17123
• Optional
-o-animation-duration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-duration
CSS property sets the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-animation-duration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17133
• Optional
-o-animation-fill-mode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none)[]
The animation-fill-mode
CSS property sets how a CSS animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.
Syntax: <single-animation-fill-mode>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-animation-fill-mode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17143
• Optional
-o-animation-iteration-count: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {})[]
The animation-iteration-count
CSS property sets the number of times an animation sequence should be played before stopping.
Syntax: <single-animation-iteration-count>#
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-animation-iteration-count
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17153
• Optional
-o-animation-name: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The animation-name
CSS property specifies the names of one or more @keyframes
at-rules describing the animation or animations to apply to the element.
Syntax: [ none | <keyframes-name> ]#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-animation-name
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17163
• Optional
-o-animation-play-state: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running)[]
The animation-play-state
CSS property sets whether an animation is running or paused.
Syntax: <single-animation-play-state>#
Initial value: running
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-animation-play-state
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17173
• Optional
-o-animation-timing-function: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The animation-timing-function
CSS property sets how an animation progresses through the duration of each cycle.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-animation-timing-function
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17183
• Optional
-o-background-size: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background-size
CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.
Syntax: <bg-size>#
Initial value: auto auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-background-size
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17193
• Optional
-o-border-image: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round)[]
The border-image
CSS property draws an image around a given element. It replaces the element's regular border.
Syntax: <'border-image-source'> || <'border-image-slice'> [ / <'border-image-width'> | / <'border-image-width'>? / <'border-image-outset'> ]? || <'border-image-repeat'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-border-image
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17203
• Optional
-o-object-fit: fill | contain | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | cover | scale-down | (undefined | fill | contain | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | cover | scale-down)[]
The object-fit
CSS property sets how the content of a replaced element, such as an <img>
or <video>
, should be resized to fit its container.
Syntax: fill | contain | cover | none | scale-down
Initial value: fill
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-object-fit
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15343
• Optional
-o-object-position: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The object-position
CSS property specifies the alignment of the selected replaced element's contents within the element's box. Areas of the box which aren't covered by the replaced element's object will show the element's background.
Syntax: <position>
Initial value: 50% 50%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-object-position
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15351
• Optional
-o-tab-size: string | number & {} | (undefined | string | number & {})[]
The tab-size
CSS property is used to customize the width of tab characters (U+0009).
Syntax: <integer> | <length>
Initial value: 8
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-tab-size
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15359
• Optional
-o-text-overflow: clip | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ellipsis | (undefined | clip | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ellipsis)[]
The text-overflow
CSS property sets how hidden overflow content is signaled to users. It can be clipped, display an ellipsis ('…
'), or display a custom string.
Syntax: [ clip | ellipsis | <string> ]{1,2}
Initial value: clip
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-text-overflow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15367
• Optional
-o-transform: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transform
CSS property lets you rotate, scale, skew, or translate an element. It modifies the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model.
Syntax: none | <transform-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-transform
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17211
• Optional
-o-transform-origin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transform-origin
CSS property sets the origin for an element's transformations.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right | top | bottom ] | [ [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] && [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ] ] <length>?
Initial value: 50% 50% 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-transform-origin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15375
• Optional
-o-transition: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition
CSS property is a shorthand property for transition-property
, transition-duration
, transition-timing-function
, and transition-delay
Syntax: <single-transition>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-transition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17221
• Optional
-o-transition-delay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-delay
CSS property specifies the duration to wait before starting a property's transition effect when its value changes.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-transition-delay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17229
• Optional
-o-transition-duration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-duration
CSS property sets the length of time a transition animation should take to complete. By default, the value is 0s
, meaning that no animation will occur.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-transition-duration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17239
• Optional
-o-transition-property: all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transition-property
CSS property sets the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
Syntax: none | <single-transition-property>#
Initial value: all
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-transition-property
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17249
• Optional
-o-transition-timing-function: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The transition-timing-function
CSS property sets how intermediate values are calculated for CSS properties being affected by a transition effect.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-o-transition-timing-function
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17259
• Optional
-webkit-align-content: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {})[]
The CSS align-content
property sets the distribution of space between and around content items along a flexbox's cross-axis or a grid's block axis.
Syntax: normal | <baseline-position> | <content-distribution> | <overflow-position>? <content-position>
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-align-content
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15383
• Optional
-webkit-align-items: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start)[]
The CSS align-items
property sets the align-self
value on all direct children as a group. In Flexbox, it controls the alignment of items on the Cross Axis. In Grid Layout, it controls the alignment of items on the Block Axis within their grid area.
Syntax: normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | [ <overflow-position>? <self-position> ]
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-align-items
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15391
• Optional
-webkit-align-self: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto)[]
The align-self
CSS property overrides a grid or flex item's align-items
value. In Grid, it aligns the item inside the grid area. In Flexbox, it aligns the item on the cross axis.
Syntax: auto | normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | <overflow-position>? <self-position>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-align-self
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15399
• Optional
-webkit-animation: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The animation
shorthand CSS property applies an animation between styles. It is a shorthand for animation-name
, animation-duration
, animation-timing-function
, animation-delay
, animation-iteration-count
, animation-direction
, animation-fill-mode
, and animation-play-state
Syntax: <single-animation>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-animation
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16274
• Optional
-webkit-animation-delay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-delay
CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-animation-delay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15407
• Optional
-webkit-animation-direction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse)[]
The animation-direction
CSS property sets whether an animation should play forward, backward, or alternate back and forth between playing the sequence forward and backward.
Syntax: <single-animation-direction>#
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-animation-direction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15415
• Optional
-webkit-animation-duration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-duration
CSS property sets the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-animation-duration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15423
• Optional
-webkit-animation-fill-mode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none)[]
The animation-fill-mode
CSS property sets how a CSS animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.
Syntax: <single-animation-fill-mode>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-animation-fill-mode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15431
• Optional
-webkit-animation-iteration-count: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {})[]
The animation-iteration-count
CSS property sets the number of times an animation sequence should be played before stopping.
Syntax: <single-animation-iteration-count>#
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-animation-iteration-count
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15439
• Optional
-webkit-animation-name: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The animation-name
CSS property specifies the names of one or more @keyframes
at-rules describing the animation or animations to apply to the element.
Syntax: [ none | <keyframes-name> ]#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-animation-name
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15447
• Optional
-webkit-animation-play-state: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running)[]
The animation-play-state
CSS property sets whether an animation is running or paused.
Syntax: <single-animation-play-state>#
Initial value: running
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-animation-play-state
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15455
• Optional
-webkit-animation-timing-function: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The animation-timing-function
CSS property sets how an animation progresses through the duration of each cycle.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-animation-timing-function
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15463
• Optional
-webkit-appearance: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | button | checkbox | listbox | menulist | meter | progress-bar | push-button | radio | searchfield | slider-horizontal | square-button | textarea | menulist-button | textfield | button-bevel | caret | listitem | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | -apple-pay-button | default-button | inner-spin-button | media-controls-background | media-controls-fullscreen-background | media-current-time-display | media-enter-fullscreen-button | media-exit-fullscreen-button | media-fullscreen-button | media-mute-button | media-overlay-play-button | media-play-button | media-seek-back-button | media-seek-forward-button | media-slider | media-sliderthumb | media-time-remaining-display | media-toggle-closed-captions-button | media-volume-slider | media-volume-slider-container | media-volume-sliderthumb | progress-bar-value | searchfield-cancel-button | searchfield-decoration | searchfield-results-button | searchfield-results-decoration | slider-vertical | sliderthumb-horizontal | sliderthumb-vertical | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | button | checkbox | listbox | menulist | meter | progress-bar | push-button | radio | searchfield | slider-horizontal | square-button | textarea | menulist-button | textfield | button-bevel | caret | listitem | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | -apple-pay-button | default-button | inner-spin-button | media-controls-background | media-controls-fullscreen-background | media-current-time-display | media-enter-fullscreen-button | media-exit-fullscreen-button | media-fullscreen-button | media-mute-button | media-overlay-play-button | media-play-button | media-seek-back-button | media-seek-forward-button | media-slider | media-sliderthumb | media-time-remaining-display | media-toggle-closed-captions-button | media-volume-slider | media-volume-slider-container | media-volume-sliderthumb | progress-bar-value | searchfield-cancel-button | searchfield-decoration | searchfield-results-button | searchfield-results-decoration | slider-vertical | sliderthumb-horizontal | sliderthumb-vertical)[]
The **appearance**
CSS property is used to display an element using platform-native styling, based on the operating system's theme. The -moz-appearance
and -webkit-appearance
properties are non-standard versions of this property, used (respectively) by Gecko (Firefox) and by WebKit-based (e.g., Safari) and Blink-based (e.g., Chrome, Opera) browsers to achieve the same thing. Note that Firefox and Edge also support -webkit-appearance
, for compatibility reasons.
Syntax: none | button | button-bevel | caret | checkbox | default-button | inner-spin-button | listbox | listitem | media-controls-background | media-controls-fullscreen-background | media-current-time-display | media-enter-fullscreen-button | media-exit-fullscreen-button | media-fullscreen-button | media-mute-button | media-overlay-play-button | media-play-button | media-seek-back-button | media-seek-forward-button | media-slider | media-sliderthumb | media-time-remaining-display | media-toggle-closed-captions-button | media-volume-slider | media-volume-slider-container | media-volume-sliderthumb | menulist | menulist-button | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | meter | progress-bar | progress-bar-value | push-button | radio | searchfield | searchfield-cancel-button | searchfield-decoration | searchfield-results-button | searchfield-results-decoration | slider-horizontal | slider-vertical | sliderthumb-horizontal | sliderthumb-vertical | square-button | textarea | textfield | -apple-pay-button
Initial value: none
(but this value is overridden in the user agent CSS)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-appearance
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15471
• Optional
-webkit-backdrop-filter: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The backdrop-filter
CSS property lets you apply graphical effects such as blurring or color shifting to the area behind an element. Because it applies to everything behind the element, to see the effect you must make the element or its background at least partially transparent.
Syntax: none | <filter-function-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-backdrop-filter
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15479
• Optional
-webkit-backface-visibility: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible)[]
The backface-visibility
CSS property sets whether the back face of an element is visible when turned towards the user.
Syntax: visible | hidden
Initial value: visible
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-backface-visibility
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15487
• Optional
-webkit-background-clip: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-clip
CSS property sets whether an element's background extends underneath its border box, padding box, or content box.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: border-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-background-clip
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15495
• Optional
-webkit-background-origin: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-origin
CSS property sets the background's origin: from the border start, inside the border, or inside the padding.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: padding-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-background-origin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15503
• Optional
-webkit-background-size: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background-size
CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.
Syntax: <bg-size>#
Initial value: auto auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-background-size
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15511
• Optional
-webkit-border-before: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The -webkit-border-before
CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical block start border property values in a single place in the style sheet.
Syntax: <'border-width'> || <'border-style'> || <color>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-before
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16280
• Optional
-webkit-border-before-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-before-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15519
• Optional
-webkit-border-before-style: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
Syntax: <'border-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-before-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15525
• Optional
-webkit-border-before-width: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
Syntax: <'border-width'>
Initial value: medium
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-before-width
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15531
• Optional
-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-bottom-left-radius
CSS property rounds the bottom-left corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15537
• Optional
-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-bottom-right-radius
CSS property rounds the bottom-right corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15545
• Optional
-webkit-border-image: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round)[]
The border-image
CSS property draws an image around a given element. It replaces the element's regular border.
Syntax: <'border-image-source'> || <'border-image-slice'> [ / <'border-image-width'> | / <'border-image-width'>? / <'border-image-outset'> ]? || <'border-image-repeat'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-image
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16286
• Optional
-webkit-border-image-slice: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {})[]
The border-image-slice
CSS property divides the image specified by border-image-source
into regions. These regions form the components of an element's border image.
Syntax: <number-percentage>{1,4} && fill?
Initial value: 100%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-image-slice
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15553
• Optional
-webkit-border-radius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-radius
CSS property rounds the corners of an element's outer border edge. You can set a single radius to make circular corners, or two radii to make elliptical corners.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,4} [ / <length-percentage>{1,4} ]?
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-radius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16292
• Optional
-webkit-border-top-left-radius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-top-left-radius
CSS property rounds the top-left corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-top-left-radius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15561
• Optional
-webkit-border-top-right-radius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-top-right-radius
CSS property rounds the top-right corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-border-top-right-radius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15569
• Optional
-webkit-box-align: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline)[]
The box-align
CSS property specifies how an element aligns its contents across its layout in a perpendicular direction. The effect of the property is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | baseline | stretch
Initial value: stretch
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-align
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17269
• Optional
-webkit-box-decoration-break: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | clone | slice | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | clone | slice)[]
The box-decoration-break
CSS property specifies how an element's fragments should be rendered when broken across multiple lines, columns, or pages.
Syntax: slice | clone
Initial value: slice
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-decoration-break
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15577
• Optional
-webkit-box-direction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse)[]
The box-direction
CSS property specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge).
Syntax: normal | reverse | inherit
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-direction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17279
• Optional
-webkit-box-flex: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The -moz-box-flex
and -webkit-box-flex
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout.
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-flex
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17289
• Optional
-webkit-box-flex-group: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The box-flex-group
CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to a flex group.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-flex-group
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17299
• Optional
-webkit-box-lines: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | multiple | single | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | multiple | single)[]
The box-lines
CSS property determines whether the box may have a single or multiple lines (rows for horizontally oriented boxes, columns for vertically oriented boxes).
Syntax: single | multiple
Initial value: single
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-lines
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17309
• Optional
-webkit-box-ordinal-group: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The box-ordinal-group
CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to an ordinal group.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-ordinal-group
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17319
• Optional
-webkit-box-orient: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis)[]
This is a property of the original CSS Flexible Box Layout Module draft, and has been replaced by a newer standard. See flexbox for information about the current standard.
Syntax: horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit
Initial value: inline-axis
in XUL)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-orient
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17329
• Optional
-webkit-box-pack: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify)[]
The -moz-box-pack
and -webkit-box-pack
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | justify
Initial value: start
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-pack
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17339
• Optional
-webkit-box-reflect: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The -webkit-box-reflect
CSS property lets you reflect the content of an element in one specific direction.
Syntax: [ above | below | right | left ]? <length>? <image>?
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-reflect
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15585
• Optional
-webkit-box-shadow: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The box-shadow
CSS property adds shadow effects around an element's frame. You can set multiple effects separated by commas. A box shadow is described by X and Y offsets relative to the element, blur and spread radius, and color.
Syntax: none | <shadow>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-shadow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15593
• Optional
-webkit-box-sizing: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box)[]
The box-sizing
CSS property sets how the total width and height of an element is calculated.
Syntax: content-box | border-box
Initial value: content-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-box-sizing
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15601
• Optional
-webkit-clip-path: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | border-box | content-box | padding-box | fill-box | margin-box | stroke-box | view-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | border-box | content-box | padding-box | fill-box | margin-box | stroke-box | view-box)[]
The **clip-path**
CSS property creates a clipping region that sets what part of an element should be shown. Parts that are inside the region are shown, while those outside are hidden.
Syntax: <clip-source> | [ <basic-shape> || <geometry-box> ] | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-clip-path
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15609
• Optional
-webkit-column-count: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | number & {})[]
The column-count
CSS property breaks an element's content into the specified number of columns.
Syntax: <integer> | auto
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-column-count
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15617
• Optional
-webkit-column-fill: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | balance | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | balance)[]
The column-fill
CSS property controls how an element's contents are balanced when broken into columns.
Syntax: auto | balance | balance-all
Initial value: balance
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-column-fill
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15625
• Optional
-webkit-column-gap: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-gap
CSS property sets the size of the gap (gutter) between an element's columns.
Syntax: normal | <length-percentage>
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-column-gap
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15633
• Optional
-webkit-column-rule: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-rule
shorthand CSS property sets the width, style, and color of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'column-rule-width'> || <'column-rule-style'> || <'column-rule-color'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-column-rule
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16298
• Optional
-webkit-column-rule-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The column-rule-color
CSS property sets the color of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-column-rule-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15641
• Optional
-webkit-column-rule-style: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
The column-rule-style
CSS property sets the style of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'border-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-column-rule-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15649
• Optional
-webkit-column-rule-width: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-rule-width
CSS property sets the width of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'border-width'>
Initial value: medium
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-column-rule-width
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15657
• Optional
-webkit-column-span: all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | (undefined | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none)[]
The column-span
CSS property makes it possible for an element to span across all columns when its value is set to all
Syntax: none | all
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-column-span
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15665
• Optional
-webkit-column-width: string | (undefined | string)[]
The column-width
CSS property sets the ideal column width in a multi-column layout. The container will have as many columns as can fit without any of them having a width less than the column-width
value. If the width of the container is narrower than the specified value, the single column's width will be smaller than the declared column width.
Syntax: <length> | auto
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-column-width
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15673
• Optional
-webkit-columns: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The columns
CSS shorthand property sets the number of columns to use when drawing an element's contents, as well as those columns' widths.
Syntax: <'column-width'> || <'column-count'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-columns
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16304
• Optional
-webkit-filter: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The filter
CSS property applies graphical effects like blur or color shift to an element. Filters are commonly used to adjust the rendering of images, backgrounds, and borders.
Syntax: none | <filter-function-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-filter
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15681
• Optional
-webkit-flex: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The flex
CSS shorthand property sets how a flex item will grow or shrink to fit the space available in its flex container.
Syntax: none | [ <'flex-grow'> <'flex-shrink'>? || <'flex-basis'> ]
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-flex
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16310
• Optional
-webkit-flex-basis: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The flex-basis
CSS property sets the initial main size of a flex item. It sets the size of the content box unless otherwise set with box-sizing
Syntax: content | <'width'>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-flex-basis
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15689
• Optional
-webkit-flex-direction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | column | column-reverse | row | row-reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | column | column-reverse | row | row-reverse)[]
The flex-direction
CSS property sets how flex items are placed in the flex container defining the main axis and the direction (normal or reversed).
Syntax: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
Initial value: row
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-flex-direction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15697
• Optional
-webkit-flex-flow: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | column | column-reverse | row | row-reverse | nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | column | column-reverse | row | row-reverse | nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse)[]
The flex-flow
CSS shorthand property specifies the direction of a flex container, as well as its wrapping behavior.
Syntax: <'flex-direction'> || <'flex-wrap'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-flex-flow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16316
• Optional
-webkit-flex-grow: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The flex-grow
CSS property sets the flex grow factor of a flex item main size.
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-flex-grow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15705
• Optional
-webkit-flex-shrink: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The flex-shrink
CSS property sets the flex shrink factor of a flex item. If the size of all flex items is larger than the flex container, items shrink to fit according to flex-shrink
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-flex-shrink
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15713
• Optional
-webkit-flex-wrap: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse)[]
The flex-wrap
CSS property sets whether flex items are forced onto one line or can wrap onto multiple lines. If wrapping is allowed, it sets the direction that lines are stacked.
Syntax: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse
Initial value: nowrap
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-flex-wrap
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15721
• Optional
-webkit-font-feature-settings: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {})[]
The font-feature-settings
CSS property controls advanced typographic features in OpenType fonts.
Syntax: normal | <feature-tag-value>#
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-font-feature-settings
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15729
• Optional
-webkit-font-kerning: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | none)[]
The font-kerning
CSS property sets the use of the kerning information stored in a font.
Syntax: auto | normal | none
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-font-kerning
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15737
• Optional
-webkit-font-smoothing: string | (undefined | string)[]
The font-smooth
CSS property controls the application of anti-aliasing when fonts are rendered.
Syntax: auto | never | always | <absolute-size> | <length>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-font-smoothing
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15745
• Optional
-webkit-font-variant-ligatures: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | none | common-ligatures | contextual | discretionary-ligatures | historical-ligatures | no-common-ligatures | no-contextual | no-discretionary-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | none | common-ligatures | contextual | discretionary-ligatures | historical-ligatures | no-common-ligatures | no-contextual | no-discretionary-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures)[]
The font-variant-ligatures
CSS property controls which ligatures and contextual forms are used in textual content of the elements it applies to. This leads to more harmonized forms in the resulting text.
Syntax: normal | none | [ <common-lig-values> || <discretionary-lig-values> || <historical-lig-values> || <contextual-alt-values> ]
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-font-variant-ligatures
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15753
• Optional
-webkit-hyphens: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | manual | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | manual)[]
The hyphens
CSS property specifies how words should be hyphenated when text wraps across multiple lines. It can prevent hyphenation entirely, hyphenate at manually-specified points within the text, or let the browser automatically insert hyphens where appropriate.
Syntax: none | manual | auto
Initial value: manual
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-hyphens
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15761
• Optional
-webkit-justify-content: left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | normal | string & {} | (undefined | left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | normal | string & {})[]
The CSS justify-content
property defines how the browser distributes space between and around content items along the main-axis of a flex container, and the inline axis of a grid container.
Syntax: normal | <content-distribution> | <overflow-position>? [ <content-position> | left | right ]
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-justify-content
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15769
• Optional
-webkit-line-break: strict | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | anywhere | loose | (undefined | strict | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | anywhere | loose)[]
The line-break
CSS property sets how to break lines of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) text when working with punctuation and symbols.
Syntax: auto | loose | normal | strict | anywhere
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-line-break
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15777
• Optional
-webkit-line-clamp: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | number & {})[]
The -webkit-line-clamp
CSS property allows limiting of the contents of a block container to the specified number of lines.
Syntax: none | <integer>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-line-clamp
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15785
• Optional
-webkit-margin-end: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The margin-inline-end
CSS property defines the logical inline end margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. In other words, it corresponds to the margin-top
, margin-right
, margin-bottom
or margin-left
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'margin-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-margin-end
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15793
• Optional
-webkit-margin-start: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The margin-inline-start
CSS property defines the logical inline start margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the margin-top
, margin-right
, margin-bottom
, or margin-left
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'margin-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-margin-start
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15801
• Optional
-webkit-mask: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The mask
CSS shorthand property hides an element (partially or fully) by masking or clipping the image at specific points.
Syntax: [ <mask-reference> || <position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || [ <box> | border | padding | content | text ] || [ <box> | border | padding | content ] ]#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16322
• Optional
-webkit-mask-attachment: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | fixed | local | scroll | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | fixed | local | scroll)[]
If a -webkit-mask-image
is specified, -webkit-mask-attachment
determines whether the mask image's position is fixed within the viewport, or scrolls along with its containing block.
Syntax: <attachment>#
Initial value: scroll
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-attachment
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15809
• Optional
-webkit-mask-clip: padding | content | border | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | text | (undefined | padding | content | border | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | text)[]
The mask-clip
CSS property determines the area which is affected by a mask. The painted content of an element must be restricted to this area.
Syntax: [ <box> | border | padding | content | text ]#
Initial value: border
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-clip
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15817
• Optional
-webkit-mask-composite: clear | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | copy | destination-atop | destination-in | destination-out | destination-over | source-atop | source-in | source-out | source-over | xor | (undefined | clear | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | copy | destination-atop | destination-in | destination-out | destination-over | source-atop | source-in | source-out | source-over | xor)[]
The -webkit-mask-composite
property specifies the manner in which multiple mask images applied to the same element are composited with one another. Mask images are composited in the opposite order that they are declared with the -webkit-mask-image
Syntax: <composite-style>#
Initial value: source-over
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-composite
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15825
• Optional
-webkit-mask-image: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The mask-image
CSS property sets the image that is used as mask layer for an element.
Syntax: <mask-reference>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-image
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15833
• Optional
-webkit-mask-origin: padding | content | border | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | padding | content | border | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The mask-origin
CSS property sets the origin of a mask.
Syntax: [ <box> | border | padding | content ]#
Initial value: padding
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-origin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15841
• Optional
-webkit-mask-position: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The mask-position
CSS property sets the initial position, relative to the mask position layer set by mask-origin
, for each defined mask image.
Syntax: <position>#
Initial value: 0% 0%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-position
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15849
• Optional
-webkit-mask-position-x: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The -webkit-mask-position-x
CSS property sets the initial horizontal position of a mask image.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ]#
Initial value: 0%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-position-x
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15857
• Optional
-webkit-mask-position-y: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The -webkit-mask-position-y
CSS property sets the initial vertical position of a mask image.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ]#
Initial value: 0%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-position-y
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15865
• Optional
-webkit-mask-repeat: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | no-repeat | repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | no-repeat | repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | round)[]
The mask-repeat
CSS property sets how mask images are repeated. A mask image can be repeated along the horizontal axis, the vertical axis, both axes, or not repeated at all.
Syntax: <repeat-style>#
Initial value: repeat
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-repeat
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15873
• Optional
-webkit-mask-repeat-x: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | no-repeat | repeat | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | no-repeat | repeat | round)[]
The -webkit-mask-repeat-x
property specifies whether and how a mask image is repeated (tiled) horizontally.
Syntax: repeat | no-repeat | space | round
Initial value: repeat
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-repeat-x
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15881
• Optional
-webkit-mask-repeat-y: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | no-repeat | repeat | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | no-repeat | repeat | round)[]
The -webkit-mask-repeat-y
property sets whether and how a mask image is repeated (tiled) vertically.
Syntax: repeat | no-repeat | space | round
Initial value: repeat
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-repeat-y
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15889
• Optional
-webkit-mask-size: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The mask-size
CSS property specifies the sizes of the mask images. The size of the image can be fully or partially constrained in order to preserve its intrinsic ratio.
Syntax: <bg-size>#
Initial value: auto auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-mask-size
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15897
• Optional
-webkit-max-inline-size: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The max-inline-size
CSS property defines the horizontal or vertical maximum size of an element's block, depending on its writing mode. It corresponds to either the max-width
or the max-height
property, depending on the value of writing-mode
Syntax: <'max-width'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-max-inline-size
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15905
• Optional
-webkit-order: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The order
CSS property sets the order to lay out an item in a flex or grid container. Items in a container are sorted by ascending order
value and then by their source code order.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-order
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15913
• Optional
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | touch | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | touch)[]
The -webkit-overflow-scrolling
CSS property controls whether or not touch devices use momentum-based scrolling for a given element.
Syntax: auto | touch
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-overflow-scrolling
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15921
• Optional
-webkit-padding-end: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The padding-inline-end
CSS property defines the logical inline end padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation.
Syntax: <'padding-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-padding-end
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15929
• Optional
-webkit-padding-start: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The padding-inline-start
CSS property defines the logical inline start padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation.
Syntax: <'padding-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-padding-start
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15937
• Optional
-webkit-perspective: string | (undefined | string)[]
The perspective
CSS property determines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user in order to give a 3D-positioned element some perspective.
Syntax: none | <length>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-perspective
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15945
• Optional
-webkit-perspective-origin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The perspective-origin
CSS property determines the position at which the viewer is looking. It is used as the vanishing point by the perspective
Syntax: <position>
Initial value: 50% 50%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-perspective-origin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15953
• Optional
-webkit-print-color-adjust: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | economy | exact | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | economy | exact)[]
The color-adjust
CSS property sets what, if anything, the user agent may do to optimize the appearance of the element on the output device. By default, the browser is allowed to make any adjustments to the element's appearance it determines to be necessary and prudent given the type and capabilities of the output device.
Syntax: economy | exact
Initial value: economy
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-print-color-adjust
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15961
• Optional
-webkit-ruby-position: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | over | under | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | over | under)[]
The **ruby-position**
CSS property defines the position of a ruby element relatives to its base element. It can be position over the element (over
), under it (under
), or between the characters, on their right side (inter-character
Syntax: over | under | inter-character
Initial value: over
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-ruby-position
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15969
• Optional
-webkit-scroll-snap-points-x: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The scroll-snap-points-x
CSS property defines the horizontal positioning of snap points within the content of the scroll container they are applied to.
Syntax: none | repeat( <length-percentage> )
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-scroll-snap-points-x
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17349
• Optional
-webkit-scroll-snap-points-y: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The scroll-snap-points-y
CSS property defines the vertical positioning of snap points within the content of the scroll container they are applied to.
Syntax: none | repeat( <length-percentage> )
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-scroll-snap-points-y
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17359
• Optional
-webkit-scroll-snap-type: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | both | none | block | inline | x | y | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | both | none | block | inline | x | y)[]
The scroll-snap-type
CSS property sets how strictly snap points are enforced on the scroll container in case there is one.
Syntax: none | [ x | y | block | inline | both ] [ mandatory | proximity ]?
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-scroll-snap-type
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15977
• Optional
-webkit-shape-margin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The shape-margin
CSS property sets a margin for a CSS shape created using shape-outside
Syntax: <length-percentage>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-shape-margin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15985
• Optional
-webkit-tap-highlight-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
is a non-standard CSS property that sets the color of the highlight that appears over a link while it's being tapped. The highlighting indicates to the user that their tap is being successfully recognized, and indicates which element they're tapping on.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: black
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-tap-highlight-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:15993
• Optional
-webkit-text-combine: all | -ms-text-combine-horizontal | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | digits | (undefined | all | -ms-text-combine-horizontal | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | digits)[]
The text-combine-upright
CSS property sets the combination of characters into the space of a single character. If the combined text is wider than 1em, the user agent must fit the contents within 1em. The resulting composition is treated as a single upright glyph for layout and decoration. This property only has an effect in vertical writing modes.
Syntax: none | all | [ digits <integer>? ]
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-combine
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16001
• Optional
-webkit-text-decoration-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The text-decoration-color
CSS property sets the color of decorations added to text by text-decoration-line
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-decoration-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16009
• Optional
-webkit-text-decoration-line: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | blink | grammar-error | line-through | overline | spelling-error | underline | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | blink | grammar-error | line-through | overline | spelling-error | underline)[]
The text-decoration-line
CSS property sets the kind of decoration that is used on text in an element, such as an underline or overline.
Syntax: none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] | spelling-error | grammar-error
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-decoration-line
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16017
• Optional
-webkit-text-decoration-skip: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | box-decoration | edges | leading-spaces | objects | spaces | trailing-spaces | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | box-decoration | edges | leading-spaces | objects | spaces | trailing-spaces)[]
The text-decoration-skip
CSS property sets what parts of an element’s content any text decoration affecting the element must skip over. It controls all text decoration lines drawn by the element and also any text decoration lines drawn by its ancestors.
Syntax: none | [ objects || [ spaces | [ leading-spaces || trailing-spaces ] ] || edges || box-decoration ]
Initial value: objects
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-decoration-skip
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16025
• Optional
-webkit-text-decoration-style: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | dashed | dotted | double | solid | wavy | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | dashed | dotted | double | solid | wavy)[]
The text-decoration-style
CSS property sets the style of the lines specified by text-decoration-line
. The style applies to all lines that are set with text-decoration-line
Syntax: solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy
Initial value: solid
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-decoration-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16033
• Optional
-webkit-text-emphasis: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | circle | dot | double-circle | filled | open | sesame | triangle | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | circle | dot | double-circle | filled | open | sesame | triangle)[]
The text-emphasis
CSS property applies emphasis marks to text (except spaces and control characters). It is a shorthand for text-emphasis-style
and text-emphasis-color
Syntax: <'text-emphasis-style'> || <'text-emphasis-color'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-emphasis
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16328
• Optional
-webkit-text-emphasis-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The text-emphasis-color
CSS property sets the color of emphasis marks. This value can also be set using the text-emphasis
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-emphasis-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16041
• Optional
-webkit-text-emphasis-position: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The text-emphasis-position
CSS property sets where emphasis marks are drawn. Like ruby text, if there isn't enough room for emphasis marks, the line height is increased.
Syntax: [ over | under ] && [ right | left ]
Initial value: over right
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-emphasis-position
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16049
• Optional
-webkit-text-emphasis-style: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | circle | dot | double-circle | filled | open | sesame | triangle | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | circle | dot | double-circle | filled | open | sesame | triangle)[]
The text-emphasis-style
CSS property sets the appearance of emphasis marks. It can also be set, and reset, using the text-emphasis
Syntax: none | [ [ filled | open ] || [ dot | circle | double-circle | triangle | sesame ] ] | <string>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-emphasis-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16057
• Optional
-webkit-text-fill-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The -webkit-text-fill-color
CSS property specifies the fill color of characters of text. If this property is not set, the value of the color
property is used.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-fill-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16065
• Optional
-webkit-text-orientation: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | mixed | sideways | upright | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | mixed | sideways | upright)[]
The text-orientation
CSS property sets the orientation of the text characters in a line. It only affects text in vertical mode (when writing-mode
is not horizontal-tb
). It is useful for controlling the display of languages that use vertical script, and also for making vertical table headers.
Syntax: mixed | upright | sideways
Initial value: mixed
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-orientation
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16073
• Optional
-webkit-text-size-adjust: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none)[]
The text-size-adjust
CSS property controls the text inflation algorithm used on some smartphones and tablets. Other browsers will ignore this property.
Syntax: none | auto | <percentage>
Initial value: auto
for smartphone browsers supporting inflation, none
in other cases (and then not modifiable).
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-size-adjust
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16081
• Optional
-webkit-text-stroke: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The -webkit-text-stroke
CSS property specifies the width and color of strokes for text characters. This is a shorthand property for the longhand properties -webkit-text-stroke-width
and -webkit-text-stroke-color
Syntax: <length> || <color>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-stroke
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16334
• Optional
-webkit-text-stroke-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The -webkit-text-stroke-color
CSS property specifies the stroke color of characters of text. If this property is not set, the value of the color
property is used.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-stroke-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16089
• Optional
-webkit-text-stroke-width: string | (undefined | string)[]
The -webkit-text-stroke-width
CSS property specifies the width of the stroke for text.
Syntax: <length>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-stroke-width
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16097
• Optional
-webkit-text-underline-position: left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | under | from-font | (undefined | left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | under | from-font)[]
The text-underline-position
CSS property specifies the position of the underline which is set using the text-decoration
property's underline
Syntax: auto | from-font | [ under || [ left | right ] ]
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-text-underline-position
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16105
• Optional
-webkit-touch-callout: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | default | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | default)[]
The -webkit-touch-callout
CSS property controls the display of the default callout shown when you touch and hold a touch target.
Syntax: default | none
Initial value: default
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-touch-callout
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16113
• Optional
-webkit-transform: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transform
CSS property lets you rotate, scale, skew, or translate an element. It modifies the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model.
Syntax: none | <transform-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-transform
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16121
• Optional
-webkit-transform-origin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transform-origin
CSS property sets the origin for an element's transformations.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right | top | bottom ] | [ [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] && [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ] ] <length>?
Initial value: 50% 50% 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-transform-origin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16129
• Optional
-webkit-transform-style: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | flat | preserve-3d | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | flat | preserve-3d)[]
The transform-style
CSS property sets whether children of an element are positioned in the 3D space or are flattened in the plane of the element.
Syntax: flat | preserve-3d
Initial value: flat
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-transform-style
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16137
• Optional
-webkit-transition: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition
CSS property is a shorthand property for transition-property
, transition-duration
, transition-timing-function
, and transition-delay
Syntax: <single-transition>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-transition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16340
• Optional
-webkit-transition-delay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-delay
CSS property specifies the duration to wait before starting a property's transition effect when its value changes.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-transition-delay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16145
• Optional
-webkit-transition-duration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-duration
CSS property sets the length of time a transition animation should take to complete. By default, the value is 0s
, meaning that no animation will occur.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-transition-duration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16153
• Optional
-webkit-transition-property: all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transition-property
CSS property sets the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
Syntax: none | <single-transition-property>#
Initial value: all
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-transition-property
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16161
• Optional
-webkit-transition-timing-function: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The transition-timing-function
CSS property sets how intermediate values are calculated for CSS properties being affected by a transition effect.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-transition-timing-function
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16169
• Optional
-webkit-user-modify: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | read-only | read-write | read-write-plaintext-only | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | read-only | read-write | read-write-plaintext-only)[]
Syntax: read-only | read-write | read-write-plaintext-only
Initial value: read-only
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-user-modify
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16177
• Optional
-webkit-user-select: contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element | (undefined | contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element)[]
The **user-select**
CSS property controls whether the user can select text. This doesn't have any effect on content loaded as chrome, except in textboxes.
Syntax: auto | text | none | contain | all
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-user-select
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16183
• Optional
-webkit-writing-mode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal-tb | sideways-lr | sideways-rl | vertical-lr | vertical-rl | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal-tb | sideways-lr | sideways-rl | vertical-lr | vertical-rl)[]
The writing-mode
CSS property sets whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically, as well as the direction in which blocks progress. When set for an entire document, it should be set on the root element (html
element for HTML documents).
Syntax: horizontal-tb | vertical-rl | vertical-lr | sideways-rl | sideways-lr
Initial value: horizontal-tb
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.-webkit-writing-mode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:16191
• Optional
KhtmlBoxAlign: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline)[]
The box-align
CSS property specifies how an element aligns its contents across its layout in a perpendicular direction. The effect of the property is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | baseline | stretch
Initial value: stretch
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlBoxAlign
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7934
• Optional
KhtmlBoxDirection: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse)[]
The box-direction
CSS property specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge).
Syntax: normal | reverse | inherit
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlBoxDirection
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7944
• Optional
KhtmlBoxFlex: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The -moz-box-flex
and -webkit-box-flex
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout.
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlBoxFlex
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7954
• Optional
KhtmlBoxFlexGroup: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The box-flex-group
CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to a flex group.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlBoxFlexGroup
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7964
• Optional
KhtmlBoxLines: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | multiple | single | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | multiple | single)[]
The box-lines
CSS property determines whether the box may have a single or multiple lines (rows for horizontally oriented boxes, columns for vertically oriented boxes).
Syntax: single | multiple
Initial value: single
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlBoxLines
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7974
• Optional
KhtmlBoxOrdinalGroup: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The box-ordinal-group
CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to an ordinal group.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlBoxOrdinalGroup
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7984
• Optional
KhtmlBoxOrient: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis)[]
This is a property of the original CSS Flexible Box Layout Module draft, and has been replaced by a newer standard. See flexbox for information about the current standard.
Syntax: horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit
Initial value: inline-axis
in XUL)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlBoxOrient
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7994
• Optional
KhtmlBoxPack: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify)[]
The -moz-box-pack
and -webkit-box-pack
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | justify
Initial value: start
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlBoxPack
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8004
• Optional
KhtmlLineBreak: strict | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | anywhere | loose | (undefined | strict | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | anywhere | loose)[]
The line-break
CSS property sets how to break lines of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) text when working with punctuation and symbols.
Syntax: auto | loose | normal | strict | anywhere
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlLineBreak
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8014
• Optional
KhtmlOpacity: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {})[]
The opacity
CSS property sets the opacity of an element. Opacity is the degree to which content behind an element is hidden, and is the opposite of transparency.
Syntax: <alpha-value>
Initial value: 1.0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlOpacity
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8024
• Optional
KhtmlUserSelect: contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element | (undefined | contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element)[]
The **user-select**
CSS property controls whether the user can select text. This doesn't have any effect on content loaded as chrome, except in textboxes.
Syntax: auto | text | none | contain | all
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.KhtmlUserSelect
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8034
• Optional
MozAnimation: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The animation
shorthand CSS property applies an animation between styles. It is a shorthand for animation-name
, animation-duration
, animation-timing-function
, animation-delay
, animation-iteration-count
, animation-direction
, animation-fill-mode
, and animation-play-state
Syntax: <single-animation>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozAnimation
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7493
• Optional
MozAnimationDelay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-delay
CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozAnimationDelay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5700
• Optional
MozAnimationDirection: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse)[]
The animation-direction
CSS property sets whether an animation should play forward, backward, or alternate back and forth between playing the sequence forward and backward.
Syntax: <single-animation-direction>#
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozAnimationDirection
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5708
• Optional
MozAnimationDuration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-duration
CSS property sets the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozAnimationDuration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5716
• Optional
MozAnimationFillMode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none)[]
The animation-fill-mode
CSS property sets how a CSS animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.
Syntax: <single-animation-fill-mode>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozAnimationFillMode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5724
• Optional
MozAnimationIterationCount: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {})[]
The animation-iteration-count
CSS property sets the number of times an animation sequence should be played before stopping.
Syntax: <single-animation-iteration-count>#
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozAnimationIterationCount
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5732
• Optional
MozAnimationName: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The animation-name
CSS property specifies the names of one or more @keyframes
at-rules describing the animation or animations to apply to the element.
Syntax: [ none | <keyframes-name> ]#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozAnimationName
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5740
• Optional
MozAnimationPlayState: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running)[]
The animation-play-state
CSS property sets whether an animation is running or paused.
Syntax: <single-animation-play-state>#
Initial value: running
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozAnimationPlayState
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5748
• Optional
MozAnimationTimingFunction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The animation-timing-function
CSS property sets how an animation progresses through the duration of each cycle.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozAnimationTimingFunction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5756
• Optional
MozAppearance: sheet | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | button | checkbox | listbox | menulist | radio | searchfield | menulist-button | textfield | -moz-mac-unified-toolbar | -moz-win-borderless-glass | -moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox | -moz-win-communications-toolbox | -moz-win-communicationstext | -moz-win-exclude-glass | -moz-win-glass | -moz-win-media-toolbox | -moz-win-mediatext | -moz-window-button-box | -moz-window-button-box-maximized | -moz-window-button-close | -moz-window-button-maximize | -moz-window-button-minimize | -moz-window-button-restore | -moz-window-frame-bottom | -moz-window-frame-left | -moz-window-frame-right | -moz-window-titlebar | -moz-window-titlebar-maximized | button-arrow-down | button-arrow-next | button-arrow-previous | button-arrow-up | button-bevel | button-focus | caret | checkbox-container | checkbox-label | checkmenuitem | dualbutton | groupbox | listitem | menuarrow | menubar | menucheckbox | menuimage | menuitem | menuitemtext | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | menupopup | menuradio | menuseparator | meterbar | meterchunk | progressbar | progressbar-vertical | progresschunk | progresschunk-vertical | radio-container | radio-label | radiomenuitem | range | range-thumb | resizer | resizerpanel | scale-horizontal | scale-vertical | scalethumb-horizontal | scalethumb-vertical | scalethumbend | scalethumbstart | scalethumbtick | scrollbarbutton-down | scrollbarbutton-left | scrollbarbutton-right | scrollbarbutton-up | scrollbarthumb-horizontal | scrollbarthumb-vertical | scrollbartrack-horizontal | scrollbartrack-vertical | separator | spinner | spinner-downbutton | spinner-textfield | spinner-upbutton | splitter | statusbar | statusbarpanel | tab | tab-scroll-arrow-back | tab-scroll-arrow-forward | tabpanel | tabpanels | textfield-multiline | toolbar | toolbarbutton | toolbarbutton-dropdown | toolbargripper | toolbox | tooltip | treeheader | treeheadercell | treeheadersortarrow | treeitem | treeline | treetwisty | treetwistyopen | treeview | (undefined | sheet | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | button | checkbox | listbox | menulist | radio | searchfield | menulist-button | textfield | -moz-mac-unified-toolbar | -moz-win-borderless-glass | -moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox | -moz-win-communications-toolbox | -moz-win-communicationstext | -moz-win-exclude-glass | -moz-win-glass | -moz-win-media-toolbox | -moz-win-mediatext | -moz-window-button-box | -moz-window-button-box-maximized | -moz-window-button-close | -moz-window-button-maximize | -moz-window-button-minimize | -moz-window-button-restore | -moz-window-frame-bottom | -moz-window-frame-left | -moz-window-frame-right | -moz-window-titlebar | -moz-window-titlebar-maximized | button-arrow-down | button-arrow-next | button-arrow-previous | button-arrow-up | button-bevel | button-focus | caret | checkbox-container | checkbox-label | checkmenuitem | dualbutton | groupbox | listitem | menuarrow | menubar | menucheckbox | menuimage | menuitem | menuitemtext | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | menupopup | menuradio | menuseparator | meterbar | meterchunk | progressbar | progressbar-vertical | progresschunk | progresschunk-vertical | radio-container | radio-label | radiomenuitem | range | range-thumb | resizer | resizerpanel | scale-horizontal | scale-vertical | scalethumb-horizontal | scalethumb-vertical | scalethumbend | scalethumbstart | scalethumbtick | scrollbarbutton-down | scrollbarbutton-left | scrollbarbutton-right | scrollbarbutton-up | scrollbarthumb-horizontal | scrollbarthumb-vertical | scrollbartrack-horizontal | scrollbartrack-vertical | separator | spinner | spinner-downbutton | spinner-textfield | spinner-upbutton | splitter | statusbar | statusbarpanel | tab | tab-scroll-arrow-back | tab-scroll-arrow-forward | tabpanel | tabpanels | textfield-multiline | toolbar | toolbarbutton | toolbarbutton-dropdown | toolbargripper | toolbox | tooltip | treeheader | treeheadercell | treeheadersortarrow | treeitem | treeline | treetwisty | treetwistyopen | treeview)[]
The **appearance**
CSS property is used to display an element using platform-native styling, based on the operating system's theme. The -moz-appearance
and -webkit-appearance
properties are non-standard versions of this property, used (respectively) by Gecko (Firefox) and by WebKit-based (e.g., Safari) and Blink-based (e.g., Chrome, Opera) browsers to achieve the same thing. Note that Firefox and Edge also support -webkit-appearance
, for compatibility reasons.
Syntax: none | button | button-arrow-down | button-arrow-next | button-arrow-previous | button-arrow-up | button-bevel | button-focus | caret | checkbox | checkbox-container | checkbox-label | checkmenuitem | dualbutton | groupbox | listbox | listitem | menuarrow | menubar | menucheckbox | menuimage | menuitem | menuitemtext | menulist | menulist-button | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | menupopup | menuradio | menuseparator | meterbar | meterchunk | progressbar | progressbar-vertical | progresschunk | progresschunk-vertical | radio | radio-container | radio-label | radiomenuitem | range | range-thumb | resizer | resizerpanel | scale-horizontal | scalethumbend | scalethumb-horizontal | scalethumbstart | scalethumbtick | scalethumb-vertical | scale-vertical | scrollbarbutton-down | scrollbarbutton-left | scrollbarbutton-right | scrollbarbutton-up | scrollbarthumb-horizontal | scrollbarthumb-vertical | scrollbartrack-horizontal | scrollbartrack-vertical | searchfield | separator | sheet | spinner | spinner-downbutton | spinner-textfield | spinner-upbutton | splitter | statusbar | statusbarpanel | tab | tabpanel | tabpanels | tab-scroll-arrow-back | tab-scroll-arrow-forward | textfield | textfield-multiline | toolbar | toolbarbutton | toolbarbutton-dropdown | toolbargripper | toolbox | tooltip | treeheader | treeheadercell | treeheadersortarrow | treeitem | treeline | treetwisty | treetwistyopen | treeview | -moz-mac-unified-toolbar | -moz-win-borderless-glass | -moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox | -moz-win-communicationstext | -moz-win-communications-toolbox | -moz-win-exclude-glass | -moz-win-glass | -moz-win-mediatext | -moz-win-media-toolbox | -moz-window-button-box | -moz-window-button-box-maximized | -moz-window-button-close | -moz-window-button-maximize | -moz-window-button-minimize | -moz-window-button-restore | -moz-window-frame-bottom | -moz-window-frame-left | -moz-window-frame-right | -moz-window-titlebar | -moz-window-titlebar-maximized
Initial value: none
(but this value is overridden in the user agent CSS)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozAppearance
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5764
• Optional
MozBackfaceVisibility: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible)[]
The backface-visibility
CSS property sets whether the back face of an element is visible when turned towards the user.
Syntax: visible | hidden
Initial value: visible
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBackfaceVisibility
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5772
• Optional
MozBackgroundClip: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-clip
CSS property sets whether an element's background extends underneath its border box, padding box, or content box.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: border-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBackgroundClip
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8044
• Optional
MozBackgroundInlinePolicy: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | clone | slice | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | clone | slice)[]
The box-decoration-break
CSS property specifies how an element's fragments should be rendered when broken across multiple lines, columns, or pages.
Syntax: slice | clone
Initial value: slice
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBackgroundInlinePolicy
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8054
• Optional
MozBackgroundOrigin: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-origin
CSS property sets the background's origin: from the border start, inside the border, or inside the padding.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: padding-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBackgroundOrigin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8064
• Optional
MozBackgroundSize: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background-size
CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.
Syntax: <bg-size>#
Initial value: auto auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBackgroundSize
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8074
• Optional
MozBinding: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The -moz-binding
CSS property is used by Mozilla-based applications to attach an XBL binding to a DOM element.
Syntax: <url> | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBinding
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8084
• Optional
MozBorderBottomColors: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-border-bottom-colors
CSS property sets a list of colors for the bottom border.
Syntax: <color>+ | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderBottomColors
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5780
• Optional
MozBorderEndColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The border-inline-end-color
CSS property defines the color of the logical inline-end border of an element, which maps to a physical border color depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-color
, border-right-color
, border-bottom-color
, or border-left-color
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'border-top-color'>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderEndColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5788
• Optional
MozBorderEndStyle: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
The border-inline-end-style
CSS property defines the style of the logical inline end border of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style
, border-right-style
, border-bottom-style
, or border-left-style
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'border-top-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderEndStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5796
• Optional
MozBorderEndWidth: string | (undefined | string)[]
The border-inline-end-width
CSS property defines the width of the logical inline-end border of an element, which maps to a physical border width depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-width
, border-right-width
, border-bottom-width
, or border-left-width
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'border-top-width'>
Initial value: medium
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderEndWidth
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5804
• Optional
MozBorderImage: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round)[]
The border-image
CSS property draws an image around a given element. It replaces the element's regular border.
Syntax: <'border-image-source'> || <'border-image-slice'> [ / <'border-image-width'> | / <'border-image-width'>? / <'border-image-outset'> ]? || <'border-image-repeat'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderImage
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7499
• Optional
MozBorderLeftColors: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-border-left-colors
CSS property sets a list of colors for the left border.
Syntax: <color>+ | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderLeftColors
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5812
• Optional
MozBorderRadius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-radius
CSS property rounds the corners of an element's outer border edge. You can set a single radius to make circular corners, or two radii to make elliptical corners.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,4} [ / <length-percentage>{1,4} ]?
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderRadius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8092
• Optional
MozBorderRadiusBottomleft: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-bottom-left-radius
CSS property rounds the bottom-left corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderRadiusBottomleft
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8102
• Optional
MozBorderRadiusBottomright: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-bottom-right-radius
CSS property rounds the bottom-right corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderRadiusBottomright
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8112
• Optional
MozBorderRadiusTopleft: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-top-left-radius
CSS property rounds the top-left corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderRadiusTopleft
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8122
• Optional
MozBorderRadiusTopright: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-top-right-radius
CSS property rounds the top-right corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderRadiusTopright
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8132
• Optional
MozBorderRightColors: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-border-right-colors
CSS property sets a list of colors for the right border.
Syntax: <color>+ | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderRightColors
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5820
• Optional
MozBorderStartColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The border-inline-start-color
CSS property defines the color of the logical inline start border of an element, which maps to a physical border color depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-color
, border-right-color
, border-bottom-color
, or border-left-color
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'border-top-color'>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderStartColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5828
• Optional
MozBorderStartStyle: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
The border-inline-start-style
CSS property defines the style of the logical inline start border of an element, which maps to a physical border style depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the border-top-style
, border-right-style
, border-bottom-style
, or border-left-style
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'border-top-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderStartStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5836
• Optional
MozBorderTopColors: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-border-top-colors
CSS property sets a list of colors for the top border.
Syntax: <color>+ | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBorderTopColors
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5844
• Optional
MozBoxAlign: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline)[]
The box-align
CSS property specifies how an element aligns its contents across its layout in a perpendicular direction. The effect of the property is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | baseline | stretch
Initial value: stretch
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBoxAlign
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8142
• Optional
MozBoxDirection: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse)[]
The box-direction
CSS property specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge).
Syntax: normal | reverse | inherit
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBoxDirection
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8152
• Optional
MozBoxFlex: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The -moz-box-flex
and -webkit-box-flex
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout.
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBoxFlex
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8162
• Optional
MozBoxOrdinalGroup: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The box-ordinal-group
CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to an ordinal group.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBoxOrdinalGroup
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8172
• Optional
MozBoxOrient: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis)[]
This is a property of the original CSS Flexible Box Layout Module draft, and has been replaced by a newer standard. See flexbox for information about the current standard.
Syntax: horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit
Initial value: inline-axis
in XUL)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBoxOrient
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8182
• Optional
MozBoxPack: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify)[]
The -moz-box-pack
and -webkit-box-pack
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | justify
Initial value: start
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBoxPack
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8192
• Optional
MozBoxShadow: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The box-shadow
CSS property adds shadow effects around an element's frame. You can set multiple effects separated by commas. A box shadow is described by X and Y offsets relative to the element, blur and spread radius, and color.
Syntax: none | <shadow>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBoxShadow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8202
• Optional
MozBoxSizing: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box)[]
The box-sizing
CSS property sets how the total width and height of an element is calculated.
Syntax: content-box | border-box
Initial value: content-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozBoxSizing
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5852
• Optional
MozColumnCount: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | number & {})[]
The column-count
CSS property breaks an element's content into the specified number of columns.
Syntax: <integer> | auto
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozColumnCount
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5860
• Optional
MozColumnFill: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | balance | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | balance)[]
The column-fill
CSS property controls how an element's contents are balanced when broken into columns.
Syntax: auto | balance | balance-all
Initial value: balance
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozColumnFill
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5868
• Optional
MozColumnGap: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-gap
CSS property sets the size of the gap (gutter) between an element's columns.
Syntax: normal | <length-percentage>
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozColumnGap
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5876
• Optional
MozColumnRule: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-rule
shorthand CSS property sets the width, style, and color of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'column-rule-width'> || <'column-rule-style'> || <'column-rule-color'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozColumnRule
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7505
• Optional
MozColumnRuleColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The column-rule-color
CSS property sets the color of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozColumnRuleColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5884
• Optional
MozColumnRuleStyle: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
The column-rule-style
CSS property sets the style of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'border-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozColumnRuleStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5892
• Optional
MozColumnRuleWidth: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-rule-width
CSS property sets the width of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'border-width'>
Initial value: medium
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozColumnRuleWidth
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5900
• Optional
MozColumnWidth: string | (undefined | string)[]
The column-width
CSS property sets the ideal column width in a multi-column layout. The container will have as many columns as can fit without any of them having a width less than the column-width
value. If the width of the container is narrower than the specified value, the single column's width will be smaller than the declared column width.
Syntax: <length> | auto
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozColumnWidth
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5908
• Optional
MozColumns: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The columns
CSS shorthand property sets the number of columns to use when drawing an element's contents, as well as those columns' widths.
Syntax: <'column-width'> || <'column-count'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozColumns
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7511
• Optional
MozContextProperties: fill | stroke | fill-opacity | stroke-opacity | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | fill | stroke | fill-opacity | stroke-opacity | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The **-moz-context-properties**
property can be used within privileged contexts in Firefox to share the values of specified properties of the element with a child SVG image.
Syntax: none | [ fill | fill-opacity | stroke | stroke-opacity ]#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozContextProperties
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5916
• Optional
MozFloatEdge: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box | padding-box | margin-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box | padding-box | margin-box)[]
The non-standard -moz-float-edge
CSS property specifies whether the height and width properties of the element include the margin, border, or padding thickness.
Syntax: border-box | content-box | margin-box | padding-box
Initial value: content-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozFloatEdge
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8212
• Optional
MozFontFeatureSettings: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {})[]
The font-feature-settings
CSS property controls advanced typographic features in OpenType fonts.
Syntax: normal | <feature-tag-value>#
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozFontFeatureSettings
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5924
• Optional
MozFontLanguageOverride: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {})[]
The font-language-override
CSS property controls the use of language-specific glyphs in a typeface.
Syntax: normal | <string>
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozFontLanguageOverride
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5932
• Optional
MozForceBrokenImageIcon: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The -moz-force-broken-image-icon
extended CSS property can be used to force the broken image icon to be shown even when a broken image has an alt
Syntax: <integer [0,1]>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozForceBrokenImageIcon
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8222
• Optional
MozHyphens: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | manual | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | manual)[]
The hyphens
CSS property specifies how words should be hyphenated when text wraps across multiple lines. It can prevent hyphenation entirely, hyphenate at manually-specified points within the text, or let the browser automatically insert hyphens where appropriate.
Syntax: none | manual | auto
Initial value: manual
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozHyphens
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5940
• Optional
MozImageRegion: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto)[]
For certain XUL elements and pseudo-elements that use an image from the list-style-image
property, this property specifies a region of the image that is used in place of the whole image. This allows elements to use different pieces of the same image to improve performance.
Syntax: <shape> | auto
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozImageRegion
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5948
• Optional
MozMarginEnd: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The margin-inline-end
CSS property defines the logical inline end margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. In other words, it corresponds to the margin-top
, margin-right
, margin-bottom
or margin-left
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'margin-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozMarginEnd
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5956
• Optional
MozMarginStart: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The margin-inline-start
CSS property defines the logical inline start margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the margin-top
, margin-right
, margin-bottom
, or margin-left
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'margin-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozMarginStart
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5964
• Optional
MozOpacity: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {})[]
The opacity
CSS property sets the opacity of an element. Opacity is the degree to which content behind an element is hidden, and is the opposite of transparency.
Syntax: <alpha-value>
Initial value: 1.0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOpacity
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8232
• Optional
MozOrient: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | block | inline | horizontal | vertical | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | block | inline | horizontal | vertical)[]
The -moz-orient
CSS property specifies the orientation of the element to which it's applied.
Syntax: inline | block | horizontal | vertical
Initial value: inline
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOrient
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5972
• Optional
MozOsxFontSmoothing: string | (undefined | string)[]
The font-smooth
CSS property controls the application of anti-aliasing when fonts are rendered.
Syntax: auto | never | always | <absolute-size> | <length>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOsxFontSmoothing
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5980
• Optional
MozOutline: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The outline
CSS shorthand property set all the outline properties in a single declaration.
Syntax: [ <'outline-color'> || <'outline-style'> || <'outline-width'> ]
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOutline
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8240
• Optional
MozOutlineColor: invert | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | invert | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The outline-color
CSS property sets the color of an element's outline.
Syntax: <color> | invert
Initial value: invert
, for browsers supporting it, currentColor
for the other
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOutlineColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8250
• Optional
MozOutlineRadius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the -moz-outline-radius
CSS shorthand property can be used to give an element's outline
rounded corners.
Syntax: <outline-radius>{1,4} [ / <outline-radius>{1,4} ]?
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOutlineRadius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8258
• Optional
MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-bottomleft
CSS property can be used to round the bottom-left corner of an element's outline
Syntax: <outline-radius>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8268
• Optional
MozOutlineRadiusBottomright: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-bottomright
CSS property can be used to round the bottom-right corner of an element's outline
Syntax: <outline-radius>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOutlineRadiusBottomright
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8278
• Optional
MozOutlineRadiusTopleft: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-topleft
CSS property can be used to round the top-left corner of an element's outline
Syntax: <outline-radius>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOutlineRadiusTopleft
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8288
• Optional
MozOutlineRadiusTopright: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
In Mozilla applications, the -moz-outline-radius-topright
CSS property can be used to round the top-right corner of an element's outline
Syntax: <outline-radius>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOutlineRadiusTopright
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8298
• Optional
MozOutlineStyle: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
The outline-style
CSS property sets the style of an element's outline. An outline is a line that is drawn around an element, outside the border
Syntax: auto | <'border-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOutlineStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8308
• Optional
MozOutlineWidth: string | (undefined | string)[]
The CSS outline-width
property sets the thickness of an element's outline. An outline is a line that is drawn around an element, outside the border
Syntax: <line-width>
Initial value: medium
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozOutlineWidth
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8318
• Optional
MozPaddingEnd: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The padding-inline-end
CSS property defines the logical inline end padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation.
Syntax: <'padding-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozPaddingEnd
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5988
• Optional
MozPaddingStart: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The padding-inline-start
CSS property defines the logical inline start padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation.
Syntax: <'padding-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozPaddingStart
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5996
• Optional
MozPerspective: string | (undefined | string)[]
The perspective
CSS property determines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user in order to give a 3D-positioned element some perspective.
Syntax: none | <length>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozPerspective
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6004
• Optional
MozPerspectiveOrigin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The perspective-origin
CSS property determines the position at which the viewer is looking. It is used as the vanishing point by the perspective
Syntax: <position>
Initial value: 50% 50%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozPerspectiveOrigin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6012
• Optional
MozStackSizing: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | ignore | stretch-to-fit | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | ignore | stretch-to-fit)[]
is an extended CSS property. Normally, a <xul:stack>
will change its size so that all of its child elements are completely visible. For example, moving a child of the stack far to the right will widen the stack so the child remains visible.
Syntax: ignore | stretch-to-fit
Initial value: stretch-to-fit
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozStackSizing
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6020
• Optional
MozTabSize: string | number & {} | (undefined | string | number & {})[]
The tab-size
CSS property is used to customize the width of tab characters (U+0009).
Syntax: <integer> | <length>
Initial value: 8
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTabSize
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6028
• Optional
MozTextAlignLast: left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | auto | justify | (undefined | left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | auto | justify)[]
The text-align-last
CSS property sets how the last line of a block or a line, right before a forced line break, is aligned.
Syntax: auto | start | end | left | right | center | justify
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTextAlignLast
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8328
• Optional
MozTextBlink: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | blink | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | blink)[]
The -moz-text-blink
non-standard Mozilla CSS extension specifies the blink mode.
Syntax: none | blink
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTextBlink
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6036
• Optional
MozTextDecorationColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The text-decoration-color
CSS property sets the color of decorations added to text by text-decoration-line
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTextDecorationColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8338
• Optional
MozTextDecorationLine: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | blink | grammar-error | line-through | overline | spelling-error | underline | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | blink | grammar-error | line-through | overline | spelling-error | underline)[]
The text-decoration-line
CSS property sets the kind of decoration that is used on text in an element, such as an underline or overline.
Syntax: none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] | spelling-error | grammar-error
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTextDecorationLine
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8348
• Optional
MozTextDecorationStyle: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | dashed | dotted | double | solid | wavy | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | dashed | dotted | double | solid | wavy)[]
The text-decoration-style
CSS property sets the style of the lines specified by text-decoration-line
. The style applies to all lines that are set with text-decoration-line
Syntax: solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy
Initial value: solid
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTextDecorationStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8358
• Optional
MozTextSizeAdjust: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none)[]
The text-size-adjust
CSS property controls the text inflation algorithm used on some smartphones and tablets. Other browsers will ignore this property.
Syntax: none | auto | <percentage>
Initial value: auto
for smartphone browsers supporting inflation, none
in other cases (and then not modifiable).
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTextSizeAdjust
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6044
• Optional
MozTransformOrigin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transform-origin
CSS property sets the origin for an element's transformations.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right | top | bottom ] | [ [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] && [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ] ] <length>?
Initial value: 50% 50% 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTransformOrigin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6052
• Optional
MozTransformStyle: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | flat | preserve-3d | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | flat | preserve-3d)[]
The transform-style
CSS property sets whether children of an element are positioned in the 3D space or are flattened in the plane of the element.
Syntax: flat | preserve-3d
Initial value: flat
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTransformStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6060
• Optional
MozTransition: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition
CSS property is a shorthand property for transition-property
, transition-duration
, transition-timing-function
, and transition-delay
Syntax: <single-transition>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTransition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7517
• Optional
MozTransitionDelay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-delay
CSS property specifies the duration to wait before starting a property's transition effect when its value changes.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTransitionDelay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6068
• Optional
MozTransitionDuration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-duration
CSS property sets the length of time a transition animation should take to complete. By default, the value is 0s
, meaning that no animation will occur.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTransitionDuration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6076
• Optional
MozTransitionProperty: all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transition-property
CSS property sets the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
Syntax: none | <single-transition-property>#
Initial value: all
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTransitionProperty
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6084
• Optional
MozTransitionTimingFunction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The transition-timing-function
CSS property sets how intermediate values are calculated for CSS properties being affected by a transition effect.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozTransitionTimingFunction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6092
• Optional
MozUserFocus: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | none | ignore | select-after | select-all | select-before | select-menu | select-same | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | none | ignore | select-after | select-all | select-before | select-menu | select-same)[]
The -moz-user-focus
CSS property is used to indicate whether an element can have the focus.
Syntax: ignore | normal | select-after | select-before | select-menu | select-same | select-all | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozUserFocus
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6100
• Optional
MozUserInput: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | disabled | enabled | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | disabled | enabled)[]
In Mozilla applications, -moz-user-input
determines if an element will accept user input.
Syntax: auto | none | enabled | disabled
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozUserInput
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8368
• Optional
MozUserModify: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | read-only | read-write | write-only | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | read-only | read-write | write-only)[]
The user-modify
property has no effect in Firefox. It was originally planned to determine whether or not the content of an element can be edited by a user.
Syntax: read-only | read-write | write-only
Initial value: read-only
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozUserModify
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6108
• Optional
MozUserSelect: contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element | (undefined | contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element)[]
The **user-select**
CSS property controls whether the user can select text. This doesn't have any effect on content loaded as chrome, except in textboxes.
Syntax: auto | text | none | contain | all
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozUserSelect
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6116
• Optional
MozWindowDragging: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | drag | no-drag | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | drag | no-drag)[]
The -moz-window-dragging
CSS property specifies whether a window is draggable or not. It only works in Chrome code, and only on Mac OS X.
Syntax: drag | no-drag
Initial value: drag
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozWindowDragging
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6124
• Optional
MozWindowShadow: sheet | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | default | menu | tooltip | (undefined | sheet | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | default | menu | tooltip)[]
The -moz-window-shadow
CSS property specifies whether a window will have a shadow. It only works on Mac OS X.
Syntax: default | menu | tooltip | sheet | none
Initial value: default
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.MozWindowShadow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6132
• Optional
OAnimation: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The animation
shorthand CSS property applies an animation between styles. It is a shorthand for animation-name
, animation-duration
, animation-timing-function
, animation-delay
, animation-iteration-count
, animation-direction
, animation-fill-mode
, and animation-play-state
Syntax: <single-animation>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OAnimation
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8396
• Optional
OAnimationDelay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-delay
CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OAnimationDelay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8406
• Optional
OAnimationDirection: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse)[]
The animation-direction
CSS property sets whether an animation should play forward, backward, or alternate back and forth between playing the sequence forward and backward.
Syntax: <single-animation-direction>#
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OAnimationDirection
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8416
• Optional
OAnimationDuration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-duration
CSS property sets the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OAnimationDuration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8426
• Optional
OAnimationFillMode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none)[]
The animation-fill-mode
CSS property sets how a CSS animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.
Syntax: <single-animation-fill-mode>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OAnimationFillMode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8436
• Optional
OAnimationIterationCount: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {})[]
The animation-iteration-count
CSS property sets the number of times an animation sequence should be played before stopping.
Syntax: <single-animation-iteration-count>#
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OAnimationIterationCount
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8446
• Optional
OAnimationName: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The animation-name
CSS property specifies the names of one or more @keyframes
at-rules describing the animation or animations to apply to the element.
Syntax: [ none | <keyframes-name> ]#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OAnimationName
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8456
• Optional
OAnimationPlayState: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running)[]
The animation-play-state
CSS property sets whether an animation is running or paused.
Syntax: <single-animation-play-state>#
Initial value: running
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OAnimationPlayState
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8466
• Optional
OAnimationTimingFunction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The animation-timing-function
CSS property sets how an animation progresses through the duration of each cycle.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OAnimationTimingFunction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8476
• Optional
OBackgroundSize: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background-size
CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.
Syntax: <bg-size>#
Initial value: auto auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OBackgroundSize
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8486
• Optional
OBorderImage: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round)[]
The border-image
CSS property draws an image around a given element. It replaces the element's regular border.
Syntax: <'border-image-source'> || <'border-image-slice'> [ / <'border-image-width'> | / <'border-image-width'>? / <'border-image-outset'> ]? || <'border-image-repeat'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OBorderImage
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8494
• Optional
OObjectFit: fill | contain | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | cover | scale-down | (undefined | fill | contain | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | cover | scale-down)[]
The object-fit
CSS property sets how the content of a replaced element, such as an <img>
or <video>
, should be resized to fit its container.
Syntax: fill | contain | cover | none | scale-down
Initial value: fill
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OObjectFit
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6636
• Optional
OObjectPosition: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The object-position
CSS property specifies the alignment of the selected replaced element's contents within the element's box. Areas of the box which aren't covered by the replaced element's object will show the element's background.
Syntax: <position>
Initial value: 50% 50%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OObjectPosition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6644
• Optional
OTabSize: string | number & {} | (undefined | string | number & {})[]
The tab-size
CSS property is used to customize the width of tab characters (U+0009).
Syntax: <integer> | <length>
Initial value: 8
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OTabSize
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6652
• Optional
OTextOverflow: clip | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ellipsis | (undefined | clip | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ellipsis)[]
The text-overflow
CSS property sets how hidden overflow content is signaled to users. It can be clipped, display an ellipsis ('…
'), or display a custom string.
Syntax: [ clip | ellipsis | <string> ]{1,2}
Initial value: clip
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OTextOverflow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6660
• Optional
OTransform: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transform
CSS property lets you rotate, scale, skew, or translate an element. It modifies the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model.
Syntax: none | <transform-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OTransform
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8504
• Optional
OTransformOrigin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transform-origin
CSS property sets the origin for an element's transformations.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right | top | bottom ] | [ [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] && [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ] ] <length>?
Initial value: 50% 50% 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OTransformOrigin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6668
• Optional
OTransition: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition
CSS property is a shorthand property for transition-property
, transition-duration
, transition-timing-function
, and transition-delay
Syntax: <single-transition>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OTransition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8512
• Optional
OTransitionDelay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-delay
CSS property specifies the duration to wait before starting a property's transition effect when its value changes.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OTransitionDelay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8522
• Optional
OTransitionDuration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-duration
CSS property sets the length of time a transition animation should take to complete. By default, the value is 0s
, meaning that no animation will occur.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OTransitionDuration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8532
• Optional
OTransitionProperty: all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transition-property
CSS property sets the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
Syntax: none | <single-transition-property>#
Initial value: all
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OTransitionProperty
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8542
• Optional
OTransitionTimingFunction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The transition-timing-function
CSS property sets how intermediate values are calculated for CSS properties being affected by a transition effect.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.OTransitionTimingFunction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8552
• Optional
WebkitAlignContent: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {})[]
The CSS align-content
property sets the distribution of space between and around content items along a flexbox's cross-axis or a grid's block axis.
Syntax: normal | <baseline-position> | <content-distribution> | <overflow-position>? <content-position>
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAlignContent
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6676
• Optional
WebkitAlignItems: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start)[]
The CSS align-items
property sets the align-self
value on all direct children as a group. In Flexbox, it controls the alignment of items on the Cross Axis. In Grid Layout, it controls the alignment of items on the Block Axis within their grid area.
Syntax: normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | [ <overflow-position>? <self-position> ]
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAlignItems
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6684
• Optional
WebkitAlignSelf: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto)[]
The align-self
CSS property overrides a grid or flex item's align-items
value. In Grid, it aligns the item inside the grid area. In Flexbox, it aligns the item on the cross axis.
Syntax: auto | normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | <overflow-position>? <self-position>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAlignSelf
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6692
• Optional
WebkitAnimation: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The animation
shorthand CSS property applies an animation between styles. It is a shorthand for animation-name
, animation-duration
, animation-timing-function
, animation-delay
, animation-iteration-count
, animation-direction
, animation-fill-mode
, and animation-play-state
Syntax: <single-animation>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAnimation
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7565
• Optional
WebkitAnimationDelay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-delay
CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAnimationDelay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6700
• Optional
WebkitAnimationDirection: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse)[]
The animation-direction
CSS property sets whether an animation should play forward, backward, or alternate back and forth between playing the sequence forward and backward.
Syntax: <single-animation-direction>#
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAnimationDirection
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6708
• Optional
WebkitAnimationDuration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-duration
CSS property sets the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAnimationDuration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6716
• Optional
WebkitAnimationFillMode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none)[]
The animation-fill-mode
CSS property sets how a CSS animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.
Syntax: <single-animation-fill-mode>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAnimationFillMode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6724
• Optional
WebkitAnimationIterationCount: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {})[]
The animation-iteration-count
CSS property sets the number of times an animation sequence should be played before stopping.
Syntax: <single-animation-iteration-count>#
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAnimationIterationCount
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6732
• Optional
WebkitAnimationName: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The animation-name
CSS property specifies the names of one or more @keyframes
at-rules describing the animation or animations to apply to the element.
Syntax: [ none | <keyframes-name> ]#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAnimationName
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6740
• Optional
WebkitAnimationPlayState: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running)[]
The animation-play-state
CSS property sets whether an animation is running or paused.
Syntax: <single-animation-play-state>#
Initial value: running
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAnimationPlayState
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6748
• Optional
WebkitAnimationTimingFunction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The animation-timing-function
CSS property sets how an animation progresses through the duration of each cycle.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAnimationTimingFunction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6756
• Optional
WebkitAppearance: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | button | checkbox | listbox | menulist | meter | progress-bar | push-button | radio | searchfield | slider-horizontal | square-button | textarea | menulist-button | textfield | button-bevel | caret | listitem | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | -apple-pay-button | default-button | inner-spin-button | media-controls-background | media-controls-fullscreen-background | media-current-time-display | media-enter-fullscreen-button | media-exit-fullscreen-button | media-fullscreen-button | media-mute-button | media-overlay-play-button | media-play-button | media-seek-back-button | media-seek-forward-button | media-slider | media-sliderthumb | media-time-remaining-display | media-toggle-closed-captions-button | media-volume-slider | media-volume-slider-container | media-volume-sliderthumb | progress-bar-value | searchfield-cancel-button | searchfield-decoration | searchfield-results-button | searchfield-results-decoration | slider-vertical | sliderthumb-horizontal | sliderthumb-vertical | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | button | checkbox | listbox | menulist | meter | progress-bar | push-button | radio | searchfield | slider-horizontal | square-button | textarea | menulist-button | textfield | button-bevel | caret | listitem | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | -apple-pay-button | default-button | inner-spin-button | media-controls-background | media-controls-fullscreen-background | media-current-time-display | media-enter-fullscreen-button | media-exit-fullscreen-button | media-fullscreen-button | media-mute-button | media-overlay-play-button | media-play-button | media-seek-back-button | media-seek-forward-button | media-slider | media-sliderthumb | media-time-remaining-display | media-toggle-closed-captions-button | media-volume-slider | media-volume-slider-container | media-volume-sliderthumb | progress-bar-value | searchfield-cancel-button | searchfield-decoration | searchfield-results-button | searchfield-results-decoration | slider-vertical | sliderthumb-horizontal | sliderthumb-vertical)[]
The **appearance**
CSS property is used to display an element using platform-native styling, based on the operating system's theme. The -moz-appearance
and -webkit-appearance
properties are non-standard versions of this property, used (respectively) by Gecko (Firefox) and by WebKit-based (e.g., Safari) and Blink-based (e.g., Chrome, Opera) browsers to achieve the same thing. Note that Firefox and Edge also support -webkit-appearance
, for compatibility reasons.
Syntax: none | button | button-bevel | caret | checkbox | default-button | inner-spin-button | listbox | listitem | media-controls-background | media-controls-fullscreen-background | media-current-time-display | media-enter-fullscreen-button | media-exit-fullscreen-button | media-fullscreen-button | media-mute-button | media-overlay-play-button | media-play-button | media-seek-back-button | media-seek-forward-button | media-slider | media-sliderthumb | media-time-remaining-display | media-toggle-closed-captions-button | media-volume-slider | media-volume-slider-container | media-volume-sliderthumb | menulist | menulist-button | menulist-text | menulist-textfield | meter | progress-bar | progress-bar-value | push-button | radio | searchfield | searchfield-cancel-button | searchfield-decoration | searchfield-results-button | searchfield-results-decoration | slider-horizontal | slider-vertical | sliderthumb-horizontal | sliderthumb-vertical | square-button | textarea | textfield | -apple-pay-button
Initial value: none
(but this value is overridden in the user agent CSS)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitAppearance
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6764
• Optional
WebkitBackdropFilter: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The backdrop-filter
CSS property lets you apply graphical effects such as blurring or color shifting to the area behind an element. Because it applies to everything behind the element, to see the effect you must make the element or its background at least partially transparent.
Syntax: none | <filter-function-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBackdropFilter
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6772
• Optional
WebkitBackfaceVisibility: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible)[]
The backface-visibility
CSS property sets whether the back face of an element is visible when turned towards the user.
Syntax: visible | hidden
Initial value: visible
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBackfaceVisibility
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6780
• Optional
WebkitBackgroundClip: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-clip
CSS property sets whether an element's background extends underneath its border box, padding box, or content box.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: border-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBackgroundClip
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6788
• Optional
WebkitBackgroundOrigin: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-origin
CSS property sets the background's origin: from the border start, inside the border, or inside the padding.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: padding-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBackgroundOrigin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6796
• Optional
WebkitBackgroundSize: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background-size
CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.
Syntax: <bg-size>#
Initial value: auto auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBackgroundSize
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6804
• Optional
WebkitBorderBefore: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The -webkit-border-before
CSS property is a shorthand property for setting the individual logical block start border property values in a single place in the style sheet.
Syntax: <'border-width'> || <'border-style'> || <color>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderBefore
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7571
• Optional
WebkitBorderBeforeColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderBeforeColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6810
• Optional
WebkitBorderBeforeStyle: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
Syntax: <'border-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderBeforeStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6816
• Optional
WebkitBorderBeforeWidth: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
Syntax: <'border-width'>
Initial value: medium
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderBeforeWidth
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6822
• Optional
WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-bottom-left-radius
CSS property rounds the bottom-left corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderBottomLeftRadius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6830
• Optional
WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-bottom-right-radius
CSS property rounds the bottom-right corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderBottomRightRadius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6838
• Optional
WebkitBorderImage: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | string & {} | none | number & {} | repeat | round)[]
The border-image
CSS property draws an image around a given element. It replaces the element's regular border.
Syntax: <'border-image-source'> || <'border-image-slice'> [ / <'border-image-width'> | / <'border-image-width'>? / <'border-image-outset'> ]? || <'border-image-repeat'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderImage
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7577
• Optional
WebkitBorderImageSlice: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | number & {})[]
The border-image-slice
CSS property divides the image specified by border-image-source
into regions. These regions form the components of an element's border image.
Syntax: <number-percentage>{1,4} && fill?
Initial value: 100%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderImageSlice
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6846
• Optional
WebkitBorderRadius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-radius
CSS property rounds the corners of an element's outer border edge. You can set a single radius to make circular corners, or two radii to make elliptical corners.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,4} [ / <length-percentage>{1,4} ]?
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderRadius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7583
• Optional
WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-top-left-radius
CSS property rounds the top-left corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderTopLeftRadius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6854
• Optional
WebkitBorderTopRightRadius: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The border-top-right-radius
CSS property rounds the top-right corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
Syntax: <length-percentage>{1,2}
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBorderTopRightRadius
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6862
• Optional
WebkitBoxAlign: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | start | baseline)[]
The box-align
CSS property specifies how an element aligns its contents across its layout in a perpendicular direction. The effect of the property is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | baseline | stretch
Initial value: stretch
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxAlign
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8562
• Optional
WebkitBoxDecorationBreak: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | clone | slice | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | clone | slice)[]
The box-decoration-break
CSS property specifies how an element's fragments should be rendered when broken across multiple lines, columns, or pages.
Syntax: slice | clone
Initial value: slice
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxDecorationBreak
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6870
• Optional
WebkitBoxDirection: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | reverse)[]
The box-direction
CSS property specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge).
Syntax: normal | reverse | inherit
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxDirection
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8572
• Optional
WebkitBoxFlex: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The -moz-box-flex
and -webkit-box-flex
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout.
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxFlex
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8582
• Optional
WebkitBoxFlexGroup: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The box-flex-group
CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to a flex group.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxFlexGroup
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8592
• Optional
WebkitBoxLines: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | multiple | single | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | multiple | single)[]
The box-lines
CSS property determines whether the box may have a single or multiple lines (rows for horizontally oriented boxes, columns for vertically oriented boxes).
Syntax: single | multiple
Initial value: single
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxLines
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8602
• Optional
WebkitBoxOrdinalGroup: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The box-ordinal-group
CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to an ordinal group.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxOrdinalGroup
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8612
• Optional
WebkitBoxOrient: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal | vertical | block-axis | inline-axis)[]
This is a property of the original CSS Flexible Box Layout Module draft, and has been replaced by a newer standard. See flexbox for information about the current standard.
Syntax: horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit
Initial value: inline-axis
in XUL)
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxOrient
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8622
• Optional
WebkitBoxPack: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | end | start | justify)[]
The -moz-box-pack
and -webkit-box-pack
CSS properties specify how a -moz-box
or -webkit-box
packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
Syntax: start | center | end | justify
Initial value: start
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxPack
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8632
• Optional
WebkitBoxReflect: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The -webkit-box-reflect
CSS property lets you reflect the content of an element in one specific direction.
Syntax: [ above | below | right | left ]? <length>? <image>?
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxReflect
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6878
• Optional
WebkitBoxShadow: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The box-shadow
CSS property adds shadow effects around an element's frame. You can set multiple effects separated by commas. A box shadow is described by X and Y offsets relative to the element, blur and spread radius, and color.
Syntax: none | <shadow>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxShadow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6886
• Optional
WebkitBoxSizing: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | border-box | content-box)[]
The box-sizing
CSS property sets how the total width and height of an element is calculated.
Syntax: content-box | border-box
Initial value: content-box
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitBoxSizing
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6894
• Optional
WebkitClipPath: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | border-box | content-box | padding-box | fill-box | margin-box | stroke-box | view-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | border-box | content-box | padding-box | fill-box | margin-box | stroke-box | view-box)[]
The **clip-path**
CSS property creates a clipping region that sets what part of an element should be shown. Parts that are inside the region are shown, while those outside are hidden.
Syntax: <clip-source> | [ <basic-shape> || <geometry-box> ] | none
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitClipPath
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6902
• Optional
WebkitColumnCount: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | number & {})[]
The column-count
CSS property breaks an element's content into the specified number of columns.
Syntax: <integer> | auto
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitColumnCount
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6910
• Optional
WebkitColumnFill: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | balance | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | balance)[]
The column-fill
CSS property controls how an element's contents are balanced when broken into columns.
Syntax: auto | balance | balance-all
Initial value: balance
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitColumnFill
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6918
• Optional
WebkitColumnGap: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-gap
CSS property sets the size of the gap (gutter) between an element's columns.
Syntax: normal | <length-percentage>
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitColumnGap
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6926
• Optional
WebkitColumnRule: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-rule
shorthand CSS property sets the width, style, and color of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'column-rule-width'> || <'column-rule-style'> || <'column-rule-color'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitColumnRule
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7589
• Optional
WebkitColumnRuleColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The column-rule-color
CSS property sets the color of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitColumnRuleColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6934
• Optional
WebkitColumnRuleStyle: inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid | (undefined | inset | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | hidden | dashed | dotted | double | groove | outset | ridge | solid)[]
The column-rule-style
CSS property sets the style of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'border-style'>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitColumnRuleStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6942
• Optional
WebkitColumnRuleWidth: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The column-rule-width
CSS property sets the width of the line drawn between columns in a multi-column layout.
Syntax: <'border-width'>
Initial value: medium
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitColumnRuleWidth
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6950
• Optional
WebkitColumnSpan: all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | (undefined | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none)[]
The column-span
CSS property makes it possible for an element to span across all columns when its value is set to all
Syntax: none | all
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitColumnSpan
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6958
• Optional
WebkitColumnWidth: string | (undefined | string)[]
The column-width
CSS property sets the ideal column width in a multi-column layout. The container will have as many columns as can fit without any of them having a width less than the column-width
value. If the width of the container is narrower than the specified value, the single column's width will be smaller than the declared column width.
Syntax: <length> | auto
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitColumnWidth
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6966
• Optional
WebkitColumns: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The columns
CSS shorthand property sets the number of columns to use when drawing an element's contents, as well as those columns' widths.
Syntax: <'column-width'> || <'column-count'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitColumns
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7595
• Optional
WebkitFilter: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The filter
CSS property applies graphical effects like blur or color shift to an element. Filters are commonly used to adjust the rendering of images, backgrounds, and borders.
Syntax: none | <filter-function-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFilter
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6974
• Optional
WebkitFlex: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The flex
CSS shorthand property sets how a flex item will grow or shrink to fit the space available in its flex container.
Syntax: none | [ <'flex-grow'> <'flex-shrink'>? || <'flex-basis'> ]
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFlex
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7601
• Optional
WebkitFlexBasis: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The flex-basis
CSS property sets the initial main size of a flex item. It sets the size of the content box unless otherwise set with box-sizing
Syntax: content | <'width'>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFlexBasis
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6982
• Optional
WebkitFlexDirection: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | column | column-reverse | row | row-reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | column | column-reverse | row | row-reverse)[]
The flex-direction
CSS property sets how flex items are placed in the flex container defining the main axis and the direction (normal or reversed).
Syntax: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
Initial value: row
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFlexDirection
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6990
• Optional
WebkitFlexFlow: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | column | column-reverse | row | row-reverse | nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | column | column-reverse | row | row-reverse | nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse)[]
The flex-flow
CSS shorthand property specifies the direction of a flex container, as well as its wrapping behavior.
Syntax: <'flex-direction'> || <'flex-wrap'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFlexFlow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7607
• Optional
WebkitFlexGrow: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The flex-grow
CSS property sets the flex grow factor of a flex item main size.
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFlexGrow
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:6998
• Optional
WebkitFlexShrink: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The flex-shrink
CSS property sets the flex shrink factor of a flex item. If the size of all flex items is larger than the flex container, items shrink to fit according to flex-shrink
Syntax: <number>
Initial value: 1
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFlexShrink
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7006
• Optional
WebkitFlexWrap: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse)[]
The flex-wrap
CSS property sets whether flex items are forced onto one line or can wrap onto multiple lines. If wrapping is allowed, it sets the direction that lines are stacked.
Syntax: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse
Initial value: nowrap
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFlexWrap
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7014
• Optional
WebkitFontFeatureSettings: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {})[]
The font-feature-settings
CSS property controls advanced typographic features in OpenType fonts.
Syntax: normal | <feature-tag-value>#
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFontFeatureSettings
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7022
• Optional
WebkitFontKerning: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | none)[]
The font-kerning
CSS property sets the use of the kerning information stored in a font.
Syntax: auto | normal | none
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFontKerning
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7030
• Optional
WebkitFontSmoothing: string | (undefined | string)[]
The font-smooth
CSS property controls the application of anti-aliasing when fonts are rendered.
Syntax: auto | never | always | <absolute-size> | <length>
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFontSmoothing
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7038
• Optional
WebkitFontVariantLigatures: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | none | common-ligatures | contextual | discretionary-ligatures | historical-ligatures | no-common-ligatures | no-contextual | no-discretionary-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | none | common-ligatures | contextual | discretionary-ligatures | historical-ligatures | no-common-ligatures | no-contextual | no-discretionary-ligatures | no-historical-ligatures)[]
The font-variant-ligatures
CSS property controls which ligatures and contextual forms are used in textual content of the elements it applies to. This leads to more harmonized forms in the resulting text.
Syntax: normal | none | [ <common-lig-values> || <discretionary-lig-values> || <historical-lig-values> || <contextual-alt-values> ]
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitFontVariantLigatures
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7046
• Optional
WebkitHyphens: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | manual | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | manual)[]
The hyphens
CSS property specifies how words should be hyphenated when text wraps across multiple lines. It can prevent hyphenation entirely, hyphenate at manually-specified points within the text, or let the browser automatically insert hyphens where appropriate.
Syntax: none | manual | auto
Initial value: manual
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitHyphens
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7054
• Optional
WebkitJustifyContent: left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | normal | string & {} | (undefined | left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | normal | string & {})[]
The CSS justify-content
property defines how the browser distributes space between and around content items along the main-axis of a flex container, and the inline axis of a grid container.
Syntax: normal | <content-distribution> | <overflow-position>? [ <content-position> | left | right ]
Initial value: normal
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitJustifyContent
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7062
• Optional
WebkitLineBreak: strict | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | anywhere | loose | (undefined | strict | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | auto | anywhere | loose)[]
The line-break
CSS property sets how to break lines of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) text when working with punctuation and symbols.
Syntax: auto | loose | normal | strict | anywhere
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitLineBreak
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7070
• Optional
WebkitLineClamp: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | number & {})[]
The -webkit-line-clamp
CSS property allows limiting of the contents of a block container to the specified number of lines.
Syntax: none | <integer>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitLineClamp
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7078
• Optional
WebkitMarginEnd: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The margin-inline-end
CSS property defines the logical inline end margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. In other words, it corresponds to the margin-top
, margin-right
, margin-bottom
or margin-left
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'margin-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMarginEnd
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7086
• Optional
WebkitMarginStart: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The margin-inline-start
CSS property defines the logical inline start margin of an element, which maps to a physical margin depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation. It corresponds to the margin-top
, margin-right
, margin-bottom
, or margin-left
property depending on the values defined for writing-mode
, direction
, and text-orientation
Syntax: <'margin-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMarginStart
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7094
• Optional
WebkitMask: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The mask
CSS shorthand property hides an element (partially or fully) by masking or clipping the image at specific points.
Syntax: [ <mask-reference> || <position> [ / <bg-size> ]? || <repeat-style> || [ <box> | border | padding | content | text ] || [ <box> | border | padding | content ] ]#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMask
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7613
• Optional
WebkitMaskAttachment: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | fixed | local | scroll | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | fixed | local | scroll)[]
If a -webkit-mask-image
is specified, -webkit-mask-attachment
determines whether the mask image's position is fixed within the viewport, or scrolls along with its containing block.
Syntax: <attachment>#
Initial value: scroll
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskAttachment
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7102
• Optional
WebkitMaskClip: padding | content | border | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | text | (undefined | padding | content | border | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | text)[]
The mask-clip
CSS property determines the area which is affected by a mask. The painted content of an element must be restricted to this area.
Syntax: [ <box> | border | padding | content | text ]#
Initial value: border
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskClip
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7110
• Optional
WebkitMaskComposite: clear | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | copy | destination-atop | destination-in | destination-out | destination-over | source-atop | source-in | source-out | source-over | xor | (undefined | clear | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | copy | destination-atop | destination-in | destination-out | destination-over | source-atop | source-in | source-out | source-over | xor)[]
The -webkit-mask-composite
property specifies the manner in which multiple mask images applied to the same element are composited with one another. Mask images are composited in the opposite order that they are declared with the -webkit-mask-image
Syntax: <composite-style>#
Initial value: source-over
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskComposite
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7118
• Optional
WebkitMaskImage: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The mask-image
CSS property sets the image that is used as mask layer for an element.
Syntax: <mask-reference>#
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskImage
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7126
• Optional
WebkitMaskOrigin: padding | content | border | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | padding | content | border | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The mask-origin
CSS property sets the origin of a mask.
Syntax: [ <box> | border | padding | content ]#
Initial value: padding
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskOrigin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7134
• Optional
WebkitMaskPosition: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The mask-position
CSS property sets the initial position, relative to the mask position layer set by mask-origin
, for each defined mask image.
Syntax: <position>#
Initial value: 0% 0%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskPosition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7142
• Optional
WebkitMaskPositionX: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The -webkit-mask-position-x
CSS property sets the initial horizontal position of a mask image.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ]#
Initial value: 0%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskPositionX
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7150
• Optional
WebkitMaskPositionY: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The -webkit-mask-position-y
CSS property sets the initial vertical position of a mask image.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ]#
Initial value: 0%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskPositionY
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7158
• Optional
WebkitMaskRepeat: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | no-repeat | repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | no-repeat | repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | round)[]
The mask-repeat
CSS property sets how mask images are repeated. A mask image can be repeated along the horizontal axis, the vertical axis, both axes, or not repeated at all.
Syntax: <repeat-style>#
Initial value: repeat
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskRepeat
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7166
• Optional
WebkitMaskRepeatX: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | no-repeat | repeat | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | no-repeat | repeat | round)[]
The -webkit-mask-repeat-x
property specifies whether and how a mask image is repeated (tiled) horizontally.
Syntax: repeat | no-repeat | space | round
Initial value: repeat
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskRepeatX
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7174
• Optional
WebkitMaskRepeatY: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | no-repeat | repeat | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | no-repeat | repeat | round)[]
The -webkit-mask-repeat-y
property sets whether and how a mask image is repeated (tiled) vertically.
Syntax: repeat | no-repeat | space | round
Initial value: repeat
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskRepeatY
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7182
• Optional
WebkitMaskSize: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The mask-size
CSS property specifies the sizes of the mask images. The size of the image can be fully or partially constrained in order to preserve its intrinsic ratio.
Syntax: <bg-size>#
Initial value: auto auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaskSize
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7190
• Optional
WebkitMaxInlineSize: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The max-inline-size
CSS property defines the horizontal or vertical maximum size of an element's block, depending on its writing mode. It corresponds to either the max-width
or the max-height
property, depending on the value of writing-mode
Syntax: <'max-width'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitMaxInlineSize
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7198
• Optional
WebkitOrder: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | number & {})[]
The order
CSS property sets the order to lay out an item in a flex or grid container. Items in a container are sorted by ascending order
value and then by their source code order.
Syntax: <integer>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitOrder
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7206
• Optional
WebkitOverflowScrolling: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | touch | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | touch)[]
The -webkit-overflow-scrolling
CSS property controls whether or not touch devices use momentum-based scrolling for a given element.
Syntax: auto | touch
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitOverflowScrolling
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7214
• Optional
WebkitPaddingEnd: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The padding-inline-end
CSS property defines the logical inline end padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation.
Syntax: <'padding-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitPaddingEnd
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7222
• Optional
WebkitPaddingStart: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The padding-inline-start
CSS property defines the logical inline start padding of an element, which maps to a physical padding depending on the element's writing mode, directionality, and text orientation.
Syntax: <'padding-left'>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitPaddingStart
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7230
• Optional
WebkitPerspective: string | (undefined | string)[]
The perspective
CSS property determines the distance between the z=0 plane and the user in order to give a 3D-positioned element some perspective.
Syntax: none | <length>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitPerspective
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7238
• Optional
WebkitPerspectiveOrigin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The perspective-origin
CSS property determines the position at which the viewer is looking. It is used as the vanishing point by the perspective
Syntax: <position>
Initial value: 50% 50%
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitPerspectiveOrigin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7246
• Optional
WebkitPrintColorAdjust: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | economy | exact | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | economy | exact)[]
The color-adjust
CSS property sets what, if anything, the user agent may do to optimize the appearance of the element on the output device. By default, the browser is allowed to make any adjustments to the element's appearance it determines to be necessary and prudent given the type and capabilities of the output device.
Syntax: economy | exact
Initial value: economy
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitPrintColorAdjust
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7254
• Optional
WebkitRubyPosition: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | over | under | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | over | under)[]
The **ruby-position**
CSS property defines the position of a ruby element relatives to its base element. It can be position over the element (over
), under it (under
), or between the characters, on their right side (inter-character
Syntax: over | under | inter-character
Initial value: over
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitRubyPosition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7262
• Optional
WebkitScrollSnapPointsX: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The scroll-snap-points-x
CSS property defines the horizontal positioning of snap points within the content of the scroll container they are applied to.
Syntax: none | repeat( <length-percentage> )
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitScrollSnapPointsX
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8642
• Optional
WebkitScrollSnapPointsY: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The scroll-snap-points-y
CSS property defines the vertical positioning of snap points within the content of the scroll container they are applied to.
Syntax: none | repeat( <length-percentage> )
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitScrollSnapPointsY
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8652
• Optional
WebkitScrollSnapType: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | both | none | block | inline | x | y | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | both | none | block | inline | x | y)[]
The scroll-snap-type
CSS property sets how strictly snap points are enforced on the scroll container in case there is one.
Syntax: none | [ x | y | block | inline | both ] [ mandatory | proximity ]?
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitScrollSnapType
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7270
• Optional
WebkitShapeMargin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The shape-margin
CSS property sets a margin for a CSS shape created using shape-outside
Syntax: <length-percentage>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitShapeMargin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7278
• Optional
WebkitTapHighlightColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
is a non-standard CSS property that sets the color of the highlight that appears over a link while it's being tapped. The highlighting indicates to the user that their tap is being successfully recognized, and indicates which element they're tapping on.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: black
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTapHighlightColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7286
• Optional
WebkitTextCombine: all | -ms-text-combine-horizontal | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | digits | (undefined | all | -ms-text-combine-horizontal | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | digits)[]
The text-combine-upright
CSS property sets the combination of characters into the space of a single character. If the combined text is wider than 1em, the user agent must fit the contents within 1em. The resulting composition is treated as a single upright glyph for layout and decoration. This property only has an effect in vertical writing modes.
Syntax: none | all | [ digits <integer>? ]
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextCombine
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7294
• Optional
WebkitTextDecorationColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The text-decoration-color
CSS property sets the color of decorations added to text by text-decoration-line
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextDecorationColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7302
• Optional
WebkitTextDecorationLine: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | blink | grammar-error | line-through | overline | spelling-error | underline | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | blink | grammar-error | line-through | overline | spelling-error | underline)[]
The text-decoration-line
CSS property sets the kind of decoration that is used on text in an element, such as an underline or overline.
Syntax: none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] | spelling-error | grammar-error
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextDecorationLine
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7310
• Optional
WebkitTextDecorationSkip: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | box-decoration | edges | leading-spaces | objects | spaces | trailing-spaces | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | box-decoration | edges | leading-spaces | objects | spaces | trailing-spaces)[]
The text-decoration-skip
CSS property sets what parts of an element’s content any text decoration affecting the element must skip over. It controls all text decoration lines drawn by the element and also any text decoration lines drawn by its ancestors.
Syntax: none | [ objects || [ spaces | [ leading-spaces || trailing-spaces ] ] || edges || box-decoration ]
Initial value: objects
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextDecorationSkip
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7318
• Optional
WebkitTextDecorationStyle: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | dashed | dotted | double | solid | wavy | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | dashed | dotted | double | solid | wavy)[]
The text-decoration-style
CSS property sets the style of the lines specified by text-decoration-line
. The style applies to all lines that are set with text-decoration-line
Syntax: solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy
Initial value: solid
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextDecorationStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7326
• Optional
WebkitTextEmphasis: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | circle | dot | double-circle | filled | open | sesame | triangle | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | circle | dot | double-circle | filled | open | sesame | triangle)[]
The text-emphasis
CSS property applies emphasis marks to text (except spaces and control characters). It is a shorthand for text-emphasis-style
and text-emphasis-color
Syntax: <'text-emphasis-style'> || <'text-emphasis-color'>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextEmphasis
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7619
• Optional
WebkitTextEmphasisColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The text-emphasis-color
CSS property sets the color of emphasis marks. This value can also be set using the text-emphasis
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextEmphasisColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7334
• Optional
WebkitTextEmphasisPosition: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {})[]
The text-emphasis-position
CSS property sets where emphasis marks are drawn. Like ruby text, if there isn't enough room for emphasis marks, the line height is increased.
Syntax: [ over | under ] && [ right | left ]
Initial value: over right
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextEmphasisPosition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7342
• Optional
WebkitTextEmphasisStyle: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | circle | dot | double-circle | filled | open | sesame | triangle | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | circle | dot | double-circle | filled | open | sesame | triangle)[]
The text-emphasis-style
CSS property sets the appearance of emphasis marks. It can also be set, and reset, using the text-emphasis
Syntax: none | [ [ filled | open ] || [ dot | circle | double-circle | triangle | sesame ] ] | <string>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextEmphasisStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7350
• Optional
WebkitTextFillColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The -webkit-text-fill-color
CSS property specifies the fill color of characters of text. If this property is not set, the value of the color
property is used.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextFillColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7358
• Optional
WebkitTextOrientation: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | mixed | sideways | upright | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | mixed | sideways | upright)[]
The text-orientation
CSS property sets the orientation of the text characters in a line. It only affects text in vertical mode (when writing-mode
is not horizontal-tb
). It is useful for controlling the display of languages that use vertical script, and also for making vertical table headers.
Syntax: mixed | upright | sideways
Initial value: mixed
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextOrientation
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7366
• Optional
WebkitTextSizeAdjust: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | none)[]
The text-size-adjust
CSS property controls the text inflation algorithm used on some smartphones and tablets. Other browsers will ignore this property.
Syntax: none | auto | <percentage>
Initial value: auto
for smartphone browsers supporting inflation, none
in other cases (and then not modifiable).
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextSizeAdjust
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7374
• Optional
WebkitTextStroke: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The -webkit-text-stroke
CSS property specifies the width and color of strokes for text characters. This is a shorthand property for the longhand properties -webkit-text-stroke-width
and -webkit-text-stroke-color
Syntax: <length> || <color>
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextStroke
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7625
• Optional
WebkitTextStrokeColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The -webkit-text-stroke-color
CSS property specifies the stroke color of characters of text. If this property is not set, the value of the color
property is used.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: currentcolor
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextStrokeColor
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7382
• Optional
WebkitTextStrokeWidth: string | (undefined | string)[]
The -webkit-text-stroke-width
CSS property specifies the width of the stroke for text.
Syntax: <length>
Initial value: 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextStrokeWidth
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7390
• Optional
WebkitTextUnderlinePosition: left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | under | from-font | (undefined | left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | under | from-font)[]
The text-underline-position
CSS property specifies the position of the underline which is set using the text-decoration
property's underline
Syntax: auto | from-font | [ under || [ left | right ] ]
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTextUnderlinePosition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7398
• Optional
WebkitTouchCallout: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | default | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | none | default)[]
The -webkit-touch-callout
CSS property controls the display of the default callout shown when you touch and hold a touch target.
Syntax: default | none
Initial value: default
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTouchCallout
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7406
• Optional
WebkitTransform: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transform
CSS property lets you rotate, scale, skew, or translate an element. It modifies the coordinate space of the CSS visual formatting model.
Syntax: none | <transform-list>
Initial value: none
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTransform
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7414
• Optional
WebkitTransformOrigin: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transform-origin
CSS property sets the origin for an element's transformations.
Syntax: [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right | top | bottom ] | [ [ <length-percentage> | left | center | right ] && [ <length-percentage> | top | center | bottom ] ] <length>?
Initial value: 50% 50% 0
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTransformOrigin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7422
• Optional
WebkitTransformStyle: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | flat | preserve-3d | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | flat | preserve-3d)[]
The transform-style
CSS property sets whether children of an element are positioned in the 3D space or are flattened in the plane of the element.
Syntax: flat | preserve-3d
Initial value: flat
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTransformStyle
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7430
• Optional
WebkitTransition: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition
CSS property is a shorthand property for transition-property
, transition-duration
, transition-timing-function
, and transition-delay
Syntax: <single-transition>#
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTransition
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7631
• Optional
WebkitTransitionDelay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-delay
CSS property specifies the duration to wait before starting a property's transition effect when its value changes.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTransitionDelay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7438
• Optional
WebkitTransitionDuration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The transition-duration
CSS property sets the length of time a transition animation should take to complete. By default, the value is 0s
, meaning that no animation will occur.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTransitionDuration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7446
• Optional
WebkitTransitionProperty: all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The transition-property
CSS property sets the CSS properties to which a transition effect should be applied.
Syntax: none | <single-transition-property>#
Initial value: all
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTransitionProperty
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7454
• Optional
WebkitTransitionTimingFunction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The transition-timing-function
CSS property sets how intermediate values are calculated for CSS properties being affected by a transition effect.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitTransitionTimingFunction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7462
• Optional
WebkitUserModify: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | read-only | read-write | read-write-plaintext-only | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | read-only | read-write | read-write-plaintext-only)[]
Syntax: read-only | read-write | read-write-plaintext-only
Initial value: read-only
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitUserModify
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7468
• Optional
WebkitUserSelect: contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element | (undefined | contain | all | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | text | -moz-none | element)[]
The **user-select**
CSS property controls whether the user can select text. This doesn't have any effect on content loaded as chrome, except in textboxes.
Syntax: auto | text | none | contain | all
Initial value: auto
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitUserSelect
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7476
• Optional
WebkitWritingMode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal-tb | sideways-lr | sideways-rl | vertical-lr | vertical-rl | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | horizontal-tb | sideways-lr | sideways-rl | vertical-lr | vertical-rl)[]
The writing-mode
CSS property sets whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically, as well as the direction in which blocks progress. When set for an entire document, it should be set on the root element (html
element for HTML documents).
Syntax: horizontal-tb | vertical-rl | vertical-lr | sideways-rl | sideways-lr
Initial value: horizontal-tb
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.WebkitWritingMode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7484
• Optional
align-content: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {})[]
The CSS align-content
property sets the distribution of space between and around content items along a flexbox's cross-axis or a grid's block axis.
Syntax: normal | <baseline-position> | <content-distribution> | <overflow-position>? <content-position>
Initial value: normal
Supported in Flex Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
29 | 28 | 9 | 12 | 11 |
21 -x- | 6.1 -x- |
Supported in Grid Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
57 | 52 | 10.1 | 16 | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.align-content
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8724
• Optional
align-items: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start)[]
The CSS align-items
property sets the align-self
value on all direct children as a group. In Flexbox, it controls the alignment of items on the Cross Axis. In Grid Layout, it controls the alignment of items on the Block Axis within their grid area.
Syntax: normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | [ <overflow-position>? <self-position> ]
Initial value: normal
Supported in Flex Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
52 | 20 | 9 | 12 | 11 |
21 -x- | 7 -x- |
Supported in Grid Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
57 | 52 | 10.1 | 16 | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.align-items
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8753
• Optional
align-self: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto)[]
The align-self
CSS property overrides a grid or flex item's align-items
value. In Grid, it aligns the item inside the grid area. In Flexbox, it aligns the item on the cross axis.
Syntax: auto | normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | <overflow-position>? <self-position>
Initial value: auto
Supported in Flex Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
36 | 20 | 9 | 12 | 11 |
21 -x- | 6.1 -x- |
Supported in Grid Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
57 | 52 | 10.1 | 16 | 10 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.align-self
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8782
• Optional
align-tracks: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {})[]
The align-tracks
CSS property sets the alignment in the masonry axis for grid containers that have masonry in their block axis.
Syntax: [ normal | <baseline-position> | <content-distribution> | <overflow-position>? <content-position> ]#
Initial value: normal
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
No | n/a | No | No | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.align-tracks
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8811
• Optional
alignContent: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {})[]
The CSS align-content
property sets the distribution of space between and around content items along a flexbox's cross-axis or a grid's block axis.
Syntax: normal | <baseline-position> | <content-distribution> | <overflow-position>? <content-position>
Initial value: normal
Supported in Flex Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
29 | 28 | 9 | 12 | 11 |
21 -x- | 6.1 -x- |
Supported in Grid Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
57 | 52 | 10.1 | 16 | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.alignContent
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:38
• Optional
alignItems: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start)[]
The CSS align-items
property sets the align-self
value on all direct children as a group. In Flexbox, it controls the alignment of items on the Cross Axis. In Grid Layout, it controls the alignment of items on the Block Axis within their grid area.
Syntax: normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | [ <overflow-position>? <self-position> ]
Initial value: normal
Supported in Flex Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
52 | 20 | 9 | 12 | 11 |
21 -x- | 7 -x- |
Supported in Grid Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
57 | 52 | 10.1 | 16 | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.alignItems
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:67
• Optional
alignSelf: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | self-end | self-start | auto)[]
The align-self
CSS property overrides a grid or flex item's align-items
value. In Grid, it aligns the item inside the grid area. In Flexbox, it aligns the item on the cross axis.
Syntax: auto | normal | stretch | <baseline-position> | <overflow-position>? <self-position>
Initial value: auto
Supported in Flex Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
36 | 20 | 9 | 12 | 11 |
21 -x- | 6.1 -x- |
Supported in Grid Layout
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
57 | 52 | 10.1 | 16 | 10 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.alignSelf
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:96
• Optional
alignTracks: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | space-around | space-between | space-evenly | stretch | center | end | flex-end | flex-start | start | baseline | normal | string & {})[]
The align-tracks
CSS property sets the alignment in the masonry axis for grid containers that have masonry in their block axis.
Syntax: [ normal | <baseline-position> | <content-distribution> | <overflow-position>? <content-position> ]#
Initial value: normal
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
No | n/a | No | No | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.alignTracks
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:110
• Optional
alignment-baseline: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | baseline | auto | middle | after-edge | alphabetic | before-edge | central | hanging | ideographic | mathematical | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | baseline | auto | middle | after-edge | alphabetic | before-edge | central | hanging | ideographic | mathematical | text-after-edge | text-before-edge)[]
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.alignment-baseline
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:17372
• Optional
alignmentBaseline: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | baseline | auto | middle | after-edge | alphabetic | before-edge | central | hanging | ideographic | mathematical | text-after-edge | text-before-edge | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | baseline | auto | middle | after-edge | alphabetic | before-edge | central | hanging | ideographic | mathematical | text-after-edge | text-before-edge)[]
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.alignmentBaseline
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8656
• Optional
all: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset)[]
The **all**
shorthand CSS property resets all of an element's properties except unicode-bidi
, direction
, and CSS Custom Properties. It can set properties to their initial or inherited values, or to the values specified in another stylesheet origin.
Syntax: initial | inherit | unset | revert
Initial value: There is no practical initial value for it.
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
37 | 27 | 9.1 | 79 | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.all
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5106
• Optional
animation: string | string & {} | number & {} | (undefined | string | string & {} | number & {})[]
The animation
shorthand CSS property applies an animation between styles. It is a shorthand for animation-name
, animation-duration
, animation-timing-function
, animation-delay
, animation-iteration-count
, animation-direction
, animation-fill-mode
, and animation-play-state
Syntax: <single-animation>#
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.animation
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5119
• Optional
animation-delay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-delay
CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.animation-delay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8825
• Optional
animation-direction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse)[]
The animation-direction
CSS property sets whether an animation should play forward, backward, or alternate back and forth between playing the sequence forward and backward.
Syntax: <single-animation-direction>#
Initial value: normal
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.animation-direction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8840
• Optional
animation-duration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-duration
CSS property sets the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.animation-duration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8855
• Optional
animation-fill-mode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none)[]
The animation-fill-mode
CSS property sets how a CSS animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.
Syntax: <single-animation-fill-mode>#
Initial value: none
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 5 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.animation-fill-mode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8870
• Optional
animation-iteration-count: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {})[]
The animation-iteration-count
CSS property sets the number of times an animation sequence should be played before stopping.
Syntax: <single-animation-iteration-count>#
Initial value: 1
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.animation-iteration-count
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8885
• Optional
animation-name: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The animation-name
CSS property specifies the names of one or more @keyframes
at-rules describing the animation or animations to apply to the element.
Syntax: [ none | <keyframes-name> ]#
Initial value: none
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.animation-name
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8900
• Optional
animation-play-state: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running)[]
The animation-play-state
CSS property sets whether an animation is running or paused.
Syntax: <single-animation-play-state>#
Initial value: running
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.animation-play-state
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8915
• Optional
animation-timing-function: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The animation-timing-function
CSS property sets how an animation progresses through the duration of each cycle.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.animation-timing-function
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8930
• Optional
animationDelay: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-delay
CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.animationDelay
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:125
• Optional
animationDirection: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | alternate | alternate-reverse | reverse)[]
The animation-direction
CSS property sets whether an animation should play forward, backward, or alternate back and forth between playing the sequence forward and backward.
Syntax: <single-animation-direction>#
Initial value: normal
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.animationDirection
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:140
• Optional
animationDuration: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The animation-duration
CSS property sets the length of time that an animation takes to complete one cycle.
Syntax: <time>#
Initial value: 0s
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.animationDuration
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:155
• Optional
animationFillMode: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | backwards | both | forwards | none)[]
The animation-fill-mode
CSS property sets how a CSS animation applies styles to its target before and after its execution.
Syntax: <single-animation-fill-mode>#
Initial value: none
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 5 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.animationFillMode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:170
• Optional
animationIterationCount: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {} | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | infinite | number & {})[]
The animation-iteration-count
CSS property sets the number of times an animation sequence should be played before stopping.
Syntax: <single-animation-iteration-count>#
Initial value: 1
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.animationIterationCount
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:185
• Optional
animationName: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The animation-name
CSS property specifies the names of one or more @keyframes
at-rules describing the animation or animations to apply to the element.
Syntax: [ none | <keyframes-name> ]#
Initial value: none
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.animationName
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:200
• Optional
animationPlayState: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | paused | running)[]
The animation-play-state
CSS property sets whether an animation is running or paused.
Syntax: <single-animation-play-state>#
Initial value: running
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.animationPlayState
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:215
• Optional
animationTimingFunction: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | ease | ease-in | ease-in-out | ease-out | step-end | step-start | linear)[]
The animation-timing-function
CSS property sets how an animation progresses through the duration of each cycle.
Syntax: <easing-function>#
Initial value: ease
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
43 | 16 | 9 | 12 | 10 |
3 -x- | 5 -x- | 4 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.animationTimingFunction
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:230
• Optional
appearance: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | button | checkbox | listbox | menulist | meter | progress-bar | push-button | radio | searchfield | slider-horizontal | square-button | textarea | menulist-button | textfield | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | auto | none | button | checkbox | listbox | menulist | meter | progress-bar | push-button | radio | searchfield | slider-horizontal | square-button | textarea | menulist-button | textfield)[]
The **appearance**
CSS property is used to display an element using platform-native styling, based on the operating system's theme. The -moz-appearance
and -webkit-appearance
properties are non-standard versions of this property, used (respectively) by Gecko (Firefox) and by WebKit-based (e.g., Safari) and Blink-based (e.g., Chrome, Opera) browsers to achieve the same thing. Note that Firefox and Edge also support -webkit-appearance
, for compatibility reasons.
Syntax: none | auto | textfield | menulist-button | <compat-auto>
Initial value: auto
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
84 | 80 | 3 -x- | 84 | No |
1 -x- | 1 -x- | 12 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.appearance
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:245
• Optional
aspect-ratio: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto)[]
The aspect-ratio
CSS property sets a preferred aspect ratio for the box, which will be used in the calculation of auto sizes and some other layout functions.
Syntax: auto | <ratio>
Initial value: auto
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
n/a | n/a | No | No | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.aspect-ratio
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8960
• Optional
aspectRatio: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | auto)[]
The aspect-ratio
CSS property sets a preferred aspect ratio for the box, which will be used in the calculation of auto sizes and some other layout functions.
Syntax: auto | <ratio>
Initial value: auto
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
n/a | n/a | No | No | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.aspectRatio
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:259
• Optional
azimuth: left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | string & {} | behind | center-left | center-right | far-left | far-right | left-side | leftwards | right-side | rightwards | (undefined | left | right | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | center | string & {} | behind | center-left | center-right | far-left | far-right | left-side | leftwards | right-side | rightwards)[]
In combination with elevation
, the azimuth
CSS property enables different audio sources to be positioned spatially for aural presentation. This is important in that it provides a natural way to tell several voices apart, as each can be positioned to originate at a different location on the sound stage. Stereo output produce a lateral sound stage, while binaural headphones and multi-speaker setups allow for a fully three-dimensional stage.
Syntax: <angle> | [ [ left-side | far-left | left | center-left | center | center-right | right | far-right | right-side ] || behind ] | leftwards | rightwards
Initial value: center
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.azimuth
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:7646
• Optional
backdrop-filter: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The backdrop-filter
CSS property lets you apply graphical effects such as blurring or color shifting to the area behind an element. Because it applies to everything behind the element, to see the effect you must make the element or its background at least partially transparent.
Syntax: none | <filter-function-list>
Initial value: none
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
76 | n/a | 9 -x- | 17 | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.backdrop-filter
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8974
• Optional
backdropFilter: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The backdrop-filter
CSS property lets you apply graphical effects such as blurring or color shifting to the area behind an element. Because it applies to everything behind the element, to see the effect you must make the element or its background at least partially transparent.
Syntax: none | <filter-function-list>
Initial value: none
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
76 | n/a | 9 -x- | 17 | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.backdropFilter
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:273
• Optional
backface-visibility: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible)[]
The backface-visibility
CSS property sets whether the back face of an element is visible when turned towards the user.
Syntax: visible | hidden
Initial value: visible
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
36 | 16 | 5.1 -x- | 12 | 10 |
12 -x- | 10 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.backface-visibility
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:8988
• Optional
backfaceVisibility: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | hidden | visible)[]
The backface-visibility
CSS property sets whether the back face of an element is visible when turned towards the user.
Syntax: visible | hidden
Initial value: visible
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
36 | 16 | 5.1 -x- | 12 | 10 |
12 -x- | 10 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.backfaceVisibility
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:288
• Optional
background: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background
shorthand CSS property sets all background style properties at once, such as color, image, origin and size, or repeat method.
Syntax: [ <bg-layer> , ]* <final-bg-layer>
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 4 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.background
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:5131
• Optional
background-attachment: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | fixed | local | scroll | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | fixed | local | scroll)[]
The background-attachment
CSS property sets whether a background image's position is fixed within the viewport, or scrolls with its containing block.
Syntax: <attachment>#
Initial value: scroll
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 4 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-attachment
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9003
• Optional
background-blend-mode: color | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | color-burn | color-dodge | darken | difference | exclusion | hard-light | hue | lighten | luminosity | multiply | overlay | saturation | screen | soft-light | (undefined | color | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | color-burn | color-dodge | darken | difference | exclusion | hard-light | hue | lighten | luminosity | multiply | overlay | saturation | screen | soft-light)[]
The background-blend-mode
CSS property sets how an element's background images should blend with each other and with the element's background color.
Syntax: <blend-mode>#
Initial value: normal
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
35 | 30 | 8 | 79 | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-blend-mode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9017
• Optional
background-clip: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-clip
CSS property sets whether an element's background extends underneath its border box, padding box, or content box.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: border-box
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 4 | 3 -x- | 12 | 9 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-clip
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9031
• Optional
background-color: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor)[]
The background-color
CSS property sets the background color of an element.
Syntax: <color>
Initial value: transparent
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 4 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-color
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9045
• Optional
background-image: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | none)[]
The background-image
CSS property sets one or more background images on an element.
Syntax: <bg-image>#
Initial value: none
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 4 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-image
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9059
• Optional
background-origin: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-origin
CSS property sets the background's origin: from the border start, inside the border, or inside the padding.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: padding-box
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 4 | 3 | 12 | 9 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-origin
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9073
• Optional
background-position: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background-position
CSS property sets the initial position for each background image. The position is relative to the position layer set by background-origin
Syntax: <bg-position>#
Initial value: 0% 0%
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 4 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-position
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9087
• Optional
background-position-x: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background-position-x
CSS property sets the initial horizontal position for each background image. The position is relative to the position layer set by background-origin
Syntax: [ center | [ [ left | right | x-start | x-end ]? <length-percentage>? ]! ]#
Initial value: left
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 49 | 1 | 12 | 6 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-position-x
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9101
• Optional
background-position-y: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background-position-y
CSS property sets the initial vertical position for each background image. The position is relative to the position layer set by background-origin
Syntax: [ center | [ [ top | bottom | y-start | y-end ]? <length-percentage>? ]! ]#
Initial value: top
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 49 | 1 | 12 | 6 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-position-y
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9115
• Optional
background-repeat: space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | no-repeat | repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | round | (undefined | space | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | no-repeat | repeat | repeat-x | repeat-y | round)[]
The background-repeat
CSS property sets how background images are repeated. A background image can be repeated along the horizontal and vertical axes, or not repeated at all.
Syntax: <repeat-style>#
Initial value: repeat
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 4 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-repeat
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9129
• Optional
background-size: string | string & {} | (undefined | string | string & {})[]
The background-size
CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.
Syntax: <bg-size>#
Initial value: auto auto
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
3 | 4 | 5 | 12 | 9 |
1 -x- | 3 -x- |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesHyphenFallback.background-size
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:9143
• Optional
backgroundAttachment: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | fixed | local | scroll | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | fixed | local | scroll)[]
The background-attachment
CSS property sets whether a background image's position is fixed within the viewport, or scrolls with its containing block.
Syntax: <attachment>#
Initial value: scroll
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 1 | 1 | 12 | 4 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.backgroundAttachment
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:302
• Optional
backgroundBlendMode: color | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | color-burn | color-dodge | darken | difference | exclusion | hard-light | hue | lighten | luminosity | multiply | overlay | saturation | screen | soft-light | (undefined | color | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | normal | string & {} | color-burn | color-dodge | darken | difference | exclusion | hard-light | hue | lighten | luminosity | multiply | overlay | saturation | screen | soft-light)[]
The background-blend-mode
CSS property sets how an element's background images should blend with each other and with the element's background color.
Syntax: <blend-mode>#
Initial value: normal
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
35 | 30 | 8 | 79 | No |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.backgroundBlendMode
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:316
• Optional
backgroundClip: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | border-box | content-box | padding-box)[]
The background-clip
CSS property sets whether an element's background extends underneath its border box, padding box, or content box.
Syntax: <box>#
Initial value: border-box
Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge | IE |
1 | 4 | 3 -x- | 12 | 9 |
Inherited from: CSS.PropertiesFallback.backgroundClip
Defined in: node_modules/csstype/index.d.ts:330
• Optional
backgroundColor: -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | cornflowerblue | cornsilk | crimson | cyan | darkblue | darkcyan | darkgoldenrod | darkgray | darkgreen | darkgrey | darkkhaki | darkmagenta | darkolivegreen | darkorange | darkorchid | darkred | darksalmon | darkseagreen | darkslateblue | darkslategray | darkslategrey | darkturquoise | darkviolet | deeppink | deepskyblue | dimgray | dimgrey | dodgerblue | firebrick | floralwhite | forestgreen | fuchsia | gainsboro | ghostwhite | gold | goldenrod | gray | green | greenyellow | grey | honeydew | hotpink | indianred | indigo | ivory | khaki | lavender | lavenderblush | lawngreen | lemonchiffon | lightblue | lightcoral | lightcyan | lightgoldenrodyellow | lightgray | lightgreen | lightgrey | lightpink | lightsalmon | lightseagreen | lightskyblue | lightslategray | lightslategrey | lightsteelblue | lightyellow | lime | limegreen | linen | magenta | maroon | mediumaquamarine | mediumblue | mediumorchid | mediumpurple | mediumseagreen | mediumslateblue | mediumspringgreen | mediumturquoise | mediumvioletred | midnightblue | mintcream | mistyrose | moccasin | navajowhite | navy | oldlace | olive | olivedrab | orange | orangered | orchid | palegoldenrod | palegreen | paleturquoise | palevioletred | papayawhip | peachpuff | peru | pink | plum | powderblue | purple | rebeccapurple | red | rosybrown | royalblue | saddlebrown | salmon | sandybrown | seagreen | seashell | sienna | silver | skyblue | slateblue | slategray | slategrey | snow | springgreen | steelblue | tan | teal | thistle | tomato | transparent | turquoise | violet | wheat | white | whitesmoke | yellow | yellowgreen | ActiveBorder | ActiveCaption | AppWorkspace | Background | ButtonFace | ButtonHighlight | ButtonShadow | ButtonText | CaptionText | GrayText | Highlight | HighlightText | InactiveBorder | InactiveCaption | InactiveCaptionText | InfoBackground | InfoText | Menu | MenuText | Scrollbar | ThreeDDarkShadow | ThreeDFace | ThreeDHighlight | ThreeDLightShadow | ThreeDShadow | Window | WindowFrame | WindowText | currentcolor | (undefined | -moz-initial | inherit | initial | revert | unset | string & {} | aliceblue | antiquewhite | aqua | aquamarine | azure | beige | bisque | black | blanchedalmond | blue | blueviolet | brown | burlywood | cadetblue | chartreuse | chocolate | coral | c